Autoflowering seeds im Studentenheim growen?

Habt ihr Vorschläge welche Sorten sich für mein Vorhaben (growen im Studentenheim – es kommt nie jemand unangekündigt rein – mit Ankündigung immer so alle 3-4 Monate einmalig wegen dem Rauchmelder) am besten eignen und was ich alles beachten sollte? Wäre das erste Mal growen für mich.

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2 years ago

What are you doing against odor contamination by the terpenes and phenols contained in the cannabis resin?
What do you know about cultivation media whose ph and EC value?
Do you know what you will have on electricity costs a month alone and what lamp you will use? 250 W? 400 W? 600 W? 1000 W? NDL? LED? Tubes? ESL?
What do you know about realistic yields of autoflowering varieties at the first grow?
Will you fertilize if according to what scheme and what fertilizer do you take?

Better give you a year. If Buschmann and Lauterbach keep their promise to legalize cannabis next year, the possible difficulties of your first grow are more manageable and do not lead to the exclusion of university and residence.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Tips for illegal cultivation of BTM? They’re not allowed. As if there weren’t enough information about your choice…

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  LeanEveryday

This distinction does not play a role from a legal or platform point of view. Think you’d tell a cop.

Whether the own cultivation will be included in legalization is not currently established. It is not even certain that legalization is at all. Unfortunately, there are still some things going wrong.

2 years ago

Take a small bushy variety. No Jack.

2 years ago

You realize you smell that?

2 years ago
Reply to  LeanEveryday

If you live upstairs. …