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7 months ago

I would always choose a loan without a residual rate.

That’s how the car goes into your possession at the last rate.

It is necessary to additionally save the residual rate in order to be able to eliminate it at the end.

If you can’t save the remaining rate, you have to restart a new loan to get rid of the remaining rate. What then is too expensive.

Balloon financing is basically only for people who really cannot afford the car….

7 months ago

Why don’t you make financing without a final rate?

If you pay a few euros a month, then the car will be yours at the end and you will not have to pay a final rate or possibly finance it again.

7 months ago

I’ve only financed a car. I bought all the others directly from my savings. I’ve been paying attention to the fact that she doesn’t have a final rate so I don’t experience a bad surprise. I don’t understand why such balloon financing is offered at all. It must be clear to the car houses that the buyer does not suddenly have a thousand euros left when he had to finance the car from the beginning.

7 months ago

Nothing of that, always buy cash and get ready.