Autofahrer anzeigen wegen Nötigung möglich?
Hallo ich arbeite auf einem Campingplatz,
da wir uns aktuell in Umbauarbeiten befinden haben wir keine einfahrtsschranken. Darum besteht für Fußgänger jederzeit die Möglichkeit die Straße zu betreten.
Jetzt ist das Problem das an der Straße „direkt vor dem Campingplatz“ dauerhaft die Bürger mit sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit vorbeifahren „30er Zohne“
zudem gibt es eine Person die vermehrt durchfährt und nachts mehrfach hupt ohne Gründe da kein anderes Fahrzeug oder sonstiges vorhanden ist.
da dort viele Kinder unterwegs sind habe ich etwas Angst das dort jemand angefahren wird.
ist es möglich anhand 2 Kennzeichen die Personen anzuzeigen?
Einmal wegen Nötigung“Hupen“
Einmal wegen mehrfach überhöhter Geschwindigkeit?
Yeah, but that’s a kill, it’s a noise nuisance.
No, you can’t prove.
No proof of the increase in speed.
No evidence of a killing. Especially when he’s up and nobody’s here.
If you want him to.
Count the campers who sleep there about 10m next to the road and pay a lot of money for the nights?
I have to say this is a road that ends after 200m and is therefore simply unnecessary to go back and forth several times.
No, why should that be a fool.
The killing is about bringing a person with violence or threat with a sensitive evil to an act, toleration or omission.
That’s not given here.
He might be a warning.
Yeah, you can give up an ad. Even if the procedure is terminated, the perpetrator is warned. He’ll get a letter from the prosecutor’s office that’s an ad against him.
Thus there is a certain chance that it will be afterwards.
There is no basic ungulate cost of 5 euros warning money and estimated speed.
Is it sometimes at least jmd at the same speed during a GNSS measurement on its vehicle that has been driven behind at a uniform distance?
Can it be that the “hopper” has bad experiences with pedestrians in place for the reasons you mentioned and therefore presupposessed? (what max. noise pollution is)
Yes, but if you can’t deliver any evidence or witnesses, the procedure will be terminated.
Would there be or practice handyvideos and 2 people who also work here and get it more often
And how are you gonna prove that?
“He’s got it!”
“No, I didn’t.”
Process set 😉 That’s how it works.
and how did that find out what lightning you use
he’s shoving around the rabbit in front of the car. thus no killing
Forget it.
If there is no measurement or the difference between 30 and about 100 km/h you can see