Ich habe einen Toyota Avalon, Baujahr 2002, 105.000 km. Die Batterie ist ganz neu. Beim Kaltstart ( das Auto steht immer draußen ) ist manchmal kein Strom da. Der Motor läuft nicht. Erst nach einer Weile und einigen Versuchen, den Schlüssel hin und her drehen,.. springt erst dann der Motor richtig an und läuft prima und kein Problem da weiter, bis morgen früh!. Immer beim ersten Kaltstart. Weiß jemand vielleicht , ist das der Kontakt zur Batterie fehlerhaft oder der Starter ist kaputt. . Muss ich dafür in die Werkstatt? Vielen herzlichen Dank!
Let us summarize the facts: The Avalon is only good 22 years old and almost new. The engine just got in at 105’000 km. The car thus guarantees no material and production errors.
Did someone screw it around recently? Yeah, the battery was replaced. They’ve been installed and screwed. Take a flashlight, a 10 key, and a little sandpaper. Then you release the battery poles and clean the poles of the battery and the inside of the terminals. Then you’ll screw them up well.
If this does not help, the reason can be read out in the diagnostic system. Probably the Toyota representative has the Avalon in his Toyota workshop. We in Europe never had the Avalon.
Thank you. I’m writing from the USA!
Yeah, then it’s clear why you’re driving an Avalon. Some exeplare have come to Europe, usually as so-called relocation goods. When everything goes right, I wish you a good ride with the Avalon.
I mean, last time I saw a video in which the ignition lock caused such a mistake.
At low temperatures, the engine simply could not start as soon as the ignition lock has been warmed up or tried several times, then it went.
If you have cooled it again with cold spray, test the errors again.
In the description, I type the ignition lock or, better, the contact plate of the ignition start switch.
Often the steering wheel has to be disassembled to get there. for that, of course, you have to go to the airbag and that is then a clear indicator for a workshop visit.
Lg, Anna
Thank you.
Either blow your ignition lock or something draws power and releases the battery something or your light engine doesn’t load properly.
It can also be that there is no real contact with the poles of the battery.
if it only makes “click” when starting, it can be that your starter hangs.
The battery already has the right capacity and the right Ah ?
not that the worm is in
Thank you.