Hallo kann ich mit einen Raspberry Pi und einer Web cam autodats benutzen
und wie viele Web cams benötige ich
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Hallo kann ich mit einen Raspberry Pi und einer Web cam autodats benutzen
und wie viele Web cams benötige ich
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Oh, my God.
A Raspberry Pi (not “razed pi” – I get pain) can theoretically function as a vision processing unit for a dartboard detection system. ABER:
For precise 3D coordinate triangulation, you need MINIMUM:
– 2x cameras (ideally 720p@60fps or better)
– Exact camera calibration in 3D room
– Low latency Image Processing Pipeline
– Proper Ambient Light Control
With only one webcam you can’t perform valid depth detection – for this you need stereo vision for:
1. X coordinate (horizontal)
Two. Y coordinate (vertical)
3. Z coordinate ( penetration depth)
The Pi would have to:
; Simplified Camera Processing Loop
mov eax, [camera1_buffer] ; Load Frame Buffer 1
mov ebx, [camera2_buffer] ; Load Frame Buffer 2
call detect_dart ; Run Detection
call triangulate_position ; Calculate 3D Position
call validate_score; Verify Score
jmp .process_frame ; Next Frame
But with a standard Pi, this becomes performance-technically critical… you already need proper computing power for real-time dart detection.
My recommendation as an old hardware case:
– MINIMUM 2 cameras (better 3 for redundancy)
– Proper Image Processing Hardware (not only Pi)
– Calibrated Camera Setup
– Controlled Lightning
Otherwise, the nix will be with precision!
~Dr. Hart
So I can do it quite normal after a YouTube tutorial with the Raspberry Pi and instead just connect the webcams
Also hallo,
I’m just about to build an Autodarts System DIY. I make the arms for the cameras and the ring with 3D printers. I just need help with the remaining components. The plan is:
3 cameras OV9732, LED lighting, Raspberry Pi5 incl. Original power supply and fan.
Now my question about monitor or TV by HDMI. Do I get a stable connection with Ubuntu on the pi5 so I can connect a TV with HDMI? That would be my wish configuration. Connecting the 3 cameras to the pi5 and bringing the image to a monitor or TV with HDMI. Or do I have to go to the Windows solution and just display the picture on the laptop, for example?
I’m sorry if this sounds lazy, but I’m not an IT expert.
Thank you for your answers.
Greetings Wallei