Autobatterie wechseln (Pluspol, Minuspol)?


ich werde morgen meine Autobatterie wechseln. Deswegen wollte ich fragen was sollte ich da beachten und wie sieht der Ablauf von einem Autobatteriewechsel aus? Wie klemme ich die alte Batterie ab und wie klemme ich die neu gekaufte Autobatterie wieder an? Zuerst Pluspol oder Minuspol?

Bitte antworten von Leute die auch wirklich Ahnung damit haben.

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2 years ago

This is super complex, here a detailed list of all work steps:

  • Make battery locate
  • Screw any covers or mounts away
  • Clamping battery (with a 10 key)
  • Lifting battery out
  • recharge new battery
  • Clamping battery
  • Attach any covers and mounts

In which order you plus and minus are jammed or jammed, technically no matter what. If possible, make sure not to make a short circuit. That would be bad for the battery, bad for the tool and under certain circumstances also bad for your health. So if the battery is sunk somewhere or is installed close to the body, it would be advisable to first clamp the mass (minus). To place the tool on the battery and thus to connect the poles to one another is, by the way, also not a wise idea. :

The order must be taken into account only when starting aid is used (this applies only to both sides, then minus on both sides, both when clamping and clamping).

Learning what has been mentioned here should not be the case with you. In 2004 there was no such nonsense to me. This is a modern Schnick-Schnack that is used to drive into the Wekstatt for every shit and don’t want to do anything for yourself.

Oh yes, and at the end do not forget to make the cap on the plus pole, which is relevant for the main examination.

2 years ago
Reply to  Shalidor

The order of Plus and Minus doesn’t matter. Try this on your car. Drop both clamps and then go with the fork key to the plus pole and at the same time to the vehicle body. To achieve a short circuit, the fork key can also be very warm with a strong battery. In the case of an empty battery (no gel battery) the spark flight which usually occurs at the positive pole can lead to the explosion of the battery (narrow gas).

Therefore, only minus (is the direct connection to the vehicle body) and then nothing can happen when the Plus and body are inadvertently contacted by the key. For this reason, minus only to the end.

2 years ago
Reply to  maenne638

Thank you, but I’m not so ignorant. Connecting the Pluspol with a 10 fork wrench with blank parts of the body has not been possible with my cars so far, so I was not really aware of this when writing the answer. I only had the pure technique in my head. The avoidance of short circuits has become a subconscious process with me as an electronics company. So I don’t care to clamp down the minus pole because I wouldn’t let a short-circuit between plus pole and body arise first. But, of course, I can’t expect it from lay people, so I have now adapted my answer. Funny, by the way, before I even saw your comment. Nevertheless, thanks for the hint. :

2 years ago

jamming minus first and when jamming the minus pole as last. this reduces the risk of making a short-circuit to the body, which can have considerable consequences.

2 years ago


Make down minus so that the cable no longer comes to the connection

Turn it off.

Screw the battery and take it out


Battery holder coarsely clean

Insert and screw the battery to ensure that it is tight

Make contacts to battery and cables clean

Connect Plus

Subscribe to Minus

If you want to use pole fat then make contact now

Plug-in covers over the battery poles

2 years ago

Hello Semian232

At first always clamp the negative pole, then no short circuit can occur when the positive pole is clamped off.

Always clamp the plus pole first when clamping

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

For some vehicle manufacturers, the battery must be harvested on the system. I don’t know if this is the case with your car.

2 years ago
Reply to  DaLuCard

Google times, or ask free car workshop. It shouldn’t be a drama.

2 years ago

Minus first and last.

2 years ago
Reply to  DaLuCard


2 years ago
Reply to  hotrod66

With what reason? Both the rechargeable battery and the vehicle electronics, it is absolutely necessary which pole is first clamped. As soon as one of the two contacts is off, the circuit is interrupted and there is no voltage within the electronics (except of course short-term residual voltage through capacitors).

2 years ago
Reply to  Shalidor

Easy. If you screw off the plus pole first and get ground with the tool, there is an extremely fine arc. If the key is tight, the battery will fly around your ears.

2 years ago

Plausible argument, only you have to get it first. So far, in all cars I have screwed, between the Pluspol and the battery, there were at least 15cm of air to the body and even more blank parts connected to mass. That’s not a 10 fork key. All right, this is a Peugeot, I don’t want to go too far out of the window. :X

2 years ago

Just like I wrote it upstairs. Minus first, last. What is incomprehensible about it?

2 years ago

Red is Black and Plus is Minus

2 years ago
Reply to  NicoDehn21

Everything you need to know.

2 years ago

Sorry… but all the cars are the same, and then the question of how to do that – let the fingers of it!