Autobahn – Was soll diese unsinnige Regelung?
Unsere Verkehrsregeln machen ja weitgehend Sinn, aber eine Sache werde ich nie verstehen:
Gestern passierte auf dem Autobahnabschnitt, den ich täglich befahre, ein Unfall.
Heute kam ich wieder an dieser Stelle vorbei und es gibt dort nun einen Geschwindigkeitstrichter (120, 100, 80).
Und warum? Nur weil die rechte Leitplanke an dieser Stelle auf ein paar Metern beschädigt ist, was auch mit rot-weißen Schildern markiert wurde.
Man bremst also den dort ansonsten unlimitierten Verkehr auf Tempo 80 (!) runter, damit er die paar Meter beschädigte Leitplanke mit Tempo 80 passiert, um kurz danach wieder Vollgas geben zu können.
Je nach dem, wie schnell die Leitplanke repariert wird, kann dieser Zustand tage- oder wochenlang andauern.
Einen größeren Schwachsinn gibt es für mich aber eigentlich nicht, denn man schafft durch dieses Herunterbremsen neues Stau- und Unfallpotential und das mit äußerst fragwürdigem Nutzen.
Muss das denn wirklich sein?
Wann hört man mit diesem vollidiotischen Unsinn endlich mal auf bzw. warum belässt man es nicht zumindest bei Tempo 120, wenn man schon meint, den Verkehr an dieser Stelle unbedingt verlangsamen zu müssen?
Die meisten, die diese Strecke täglich befahren, kennen zwar den Grund und halten sich sowieso nicht dran, aber das schafft dann noch zusätzliches Gefahrenpotential, weil andere den Grund nicht kennen und in die Eisen steigen.
Aber so weit denken die Verantwortlichen scheinbar nicht bzw. es ist ihnen schlichtweg egal, denn sie machen einfach Dienst nach Vorschrift.
I don’t think anyone ever thought about it. There is certainly some rule that says that this must be done in the event of a damaged plank and then that is done. Point.
Whether or not this provision is sensible is on another sheet.
I mean, there are enough motorway sections without a guide, which are unlimited or at least 130 is allowed.
That’s exactly what’s going to be the problem, and I really wonder why there’s no one to blame.
“… know the reason and don’t stick to it anyway…” – Is this now a question of discretion as to whether you are complying with traffic rules? You can find that stupid, you can find certain rules insane. You have to and should still stay on it. A speed limit should also not become an accident point. She’s just gonna say that if some people think they don’t have to stick to it.
When the signs are set up, the motorway championship probably has no room for play. If the rules are so, they must be respected. In individual cases the rule goes beyond the target, may be so.
At a point of danger, traffic must be reduced. And if you don’t see it, ask the road traffic office why it is.
The protective function is no longer available and there was a reason why there are control panels installed. They can’t just be put down like that…
Since the protection is no longer in place, the speed must be temporarily reduced.
You can find stupid, but you can’t be gay.
You could have saved your last sentence or you’re a toddler?
But not necessarily at Tempo 80 or did the God so chisel in stone?
Well, then don’t write such things…It’s early in the morning and you’ll write a Rant about ne Leitplanke, who a “child” should be clear;-)
You really don’t know… every situation on the spot is the speed is appropriate and that decides the respective street mastery. If there is a serious accident again, because someone with unadjusted 120 snaps in, then screaming is great! People like you can’t be right…
This regulation is in no way inconspicuous, rather in need of reconciliation.
So we already have one of the main reasons.
The road user is to get used to the 80, which exist in the time of repair.
In addition, several companies have their orders and are then in this area.
The barriers etc. are prescribed in these areas and are also controlled.
So, actually everything has its reason, sometimes you have to think a little longer.
In the time that this thing is fixed, I’d still see it.
But slowing down traffic to Tempo 80, just because a few meters of traffic are bent, is just bullshit.
You should have contact with the pole or a judge, then you should have the outside view, b.: Bullshit.
Be careful, your statement makes the impression that you are probably not suitable for driving a car.
It’ll be fast.
Actually, I don’t need to write. Your detailed answer says everything, and reflects your attitude to lead.
Just because one is questioning certain things in road transport, should one not be suitable for driving a car?
What are you kidding?
I have driving licences of all classes and have been driving without major problems for 30 years, so you don’t tell me about suitability to run a car.
If you already have a lot of experience, you can also allow yourself to judge about the meaning or nonsense of certain regulations.
do not laugh around here, stick to traffic rules
Typically small-scale bureaucrat response.
I’m sure it’s not that stupid.
This is precisely because the responsible people have the responsibility.
And before someone crashed there at Tempo 130 and starts a million-square because plank breaks, but no sign, no limit… they quickly set up the shields so that everyone can sit back and have a white vest.
That there is no one adores whether there are a few meters of guide planks, that the work on it may take place this year, that this downbrake is more dangerous than the broken guide planks – we do not need to discuss this.
Thank you, at least I don’t just see that…
For this, there is the speed funnel 😉
Who sees a danger in it has no idea or can’t drive.
Who sees in it a bigger “travel” than at a few meters of crushed guide plank on the right side(!), has I know about driving.
I have survived such a (fragilely sensible) speed limit only by huge luck, because unfortunately not everyone is holding it. Just after a certain time, the daily commuter knows that there is nothing left in the place – and there is no flash. So, gas.
I don’t know what your supposed driving can do Brings you when you’re the last one in the snake / slowly rolling and one with 150 things on the back…
True, this is not an everyday danger situation, where you have to be thankful after each section with speed limit, to have come out alive – but now more dangerous than the non-intact plank beyond the panning strip.
That’s what it meant and also fact.
Of which:
What are the dangers? Everyone must keep distance, see §4.
At repair sites, the road can also be contaminated or loose objects on the ground have been forgotten. This reduces the risks for subsequent traffic.
So that right after an accident the train is contaminated, that there are things that don’t belong there: okay.
But not forever.
And then you wouldn’t set up shields, but clean the road.
We’re not talking about the road where tractors turn from the field to the road.
If you have read my last comment, the post of § 4.
In fact, there would be no accidents if all the drivers always adhered to all the rules…
You only see the flagship plank and shouldn’t draw such a hurry. That’s my point.
As long as you have no knowledge of whether and where other danger potential is conceivable by this accident site, I will not let you help me. 😉
I’m questioning yes, but it doesn’t make sense why traffic has to be slowed down to Tempo 80 due to a few meters of bent guide plank. If so, 120 would be enough.
And whoever does not recognize any additional danger potential, I cannot help him.
It is generally known that braking vehicles always trigger a chain reaction and many in such tempo signs will rise completely into the iron, although the gas would go and roll out would also be sufficient.
The consequence of such unnecessary braking maneuvers are then just traffic jams or dangerous maneuvers of other road users, which is why without real need it should not decelerate the flowing traffic or not so much.
I wouldn’t have gotten it. 😉
No question, just for fun letting the shields stand is by no means meaningful and reduces the confidence even more than it is anyway.
Only this does not help if no further circumstances are known. Hardly anyone can know what else happened. We also have a place like this, and a truck burned over 3 weeks ago. They have to repair a place on the road in a complicated manner and to this day 80 is required annoying corner.
As an idea of an old story
Guide plank is therefore never the same as guide plank. Hardly anyone will know exactly where was damaged. Whether possible pollutions are the reason, I also do not know, it should serve as an example of things that you do not notice as a car driver so typical. I’ll only be kept unrested if I don’t have any questions.
Ask those who have arranged the installation of the shields as long as you do not know any other backgrounds.
Then many of those who know the ground should stop creating additional potential.
It has a great probable meaning that there is a leitplanke. If this is now damaged, its function will no longer be optimal.
If then again at the place what happens and the next breaks through and the breaks down or wraps around a tree behind it. Or simply being spied up by the damaged leitplanke itself, because it does not break away as it should do. is the screaming at the end again great why no one has done anything. the driving station has secured.
Nen speed converters should generally not be a problem. Usually, you don’t have to brake as well as drive past 90. If you don’t drive much faster than the 120. At 250 you have to go into the irons. But you always have to count on it when you drive so fast…
Yes, but on an unlimited route do not all of this and do not have to. In any case, 120 would be loose enough for such a danger zone, 80 is completely exaggerated.
Now you’re contradicting yourself with your own argumentation. Because if there’s no more than 120. or a tunnel down to 80. Don’t make a difference at the end. Except that the people are much more angry.
Yes, I think that makes a big difference.
You could do it “intelligent” and set up the 120 sign with the addition “In 1km”.
Then everyone would know that it doesn’t apply immediately, if necessary, only have to leave the gas and don’t need to brake.
However, the 120 theoretically apply from where the shield stands, which leads many to unnecessary braking.
And it makes a difference whether the traffic is slowed down to 120 or equal to 80.
At 120, the limit would also affect only cars and motorcycles, but no buses or trucks, as they do not drive so fast anyway.
They could therefore continue without having to react somehow, which would be another advantage.
Because the probability of an accident at a maximum of 80 km/h is less than 180 km/h.
At 60 or 40 it would be even lower, but even 80 is already exaggerated.
120 would also be enough if you think it is necessary.
Do you work at the Automeisterei and have studied statics or why do you think you can do what is enough or not?
Just try not to explain others their job.
Well, it’s up to who they’re doing.
I have often been able to convince various authorities of my view of things.
You can do it. But your opinion has no relevance.
You realize, however, that no static measurements are carried out here before, but this stupid 120-100-80 funnel is always set up, no matter if only 5 or 50 meters are damaged and no matter how difficult these damages are.
In this respect, I allow myself to question the sensuality here.
This isn’t bullshit, it’s right…just imagine exactly what happens again, then the plank can’t hold it anymore because it’s no longer stable enough… once brains turn on, then excite
I’d like to put that on with my brain, because if you had done that, you’d realize it’s bullshit.
If one creates more danger than eliminated by the “defoaming” of a danger zone, then the whole makes no sense.
You don’t want to understand, do you?
But then, at the same time, I can also better judge what regulations make sense and which are rather less…
Then you should be a bit more mature and more careful
Yeah, sure, as the owner of all 30-year driving licence classes, you joker…
na maybe it’s bullshit that you can even run a vehicle
It’s not about wanting, it’s about skill.
Bullshit, I just can’t understand.
this plank has lost its protective effect. could even be a danger potential.
But not as big as the slow-down braking of fast traffic because of the few meters of bent guide plank.
then turn to the traffic authority, this is being ordered.