Autobahn auf der Rechten Spur vorbeifahren?

Darf man auf der Autobahn rechts VORBEIFAHREN (nicht überholen!), wenn die auf der mittleren/linken Spur langsamer fahren als rechts?
Ich rede von Vorbeifahren und nicht überholen.

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2 years ago

From the Internet:

If the traffic on the left lane is slowly moving, so a maximum speed of 20 km/h;so that right max. 80 km/h are allowed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nelson100

Please specify the source. Thank you.

2 years ago

If a vehicle queue has formed (below at least 3-5 vehicles) then you can drive past this slowly moving vehicle queue.

Individual driving vehicles must not be overtaken to the right and not pass.

2 years ago
Reply to  HfPol110

We had someone who’s 80 on the 2. Track driving the doofe left we couldn’t get too many cars actually must be allowed to overtake the right if the speed limit is unlimited and he/she blocks the traffic?

2 years ago
Reply to  DanieCeBus

No, it’s not.

You have to wait until you can overtake the left or drive the person right.

Otherwise you have to pay.

2 years ago

passing by means of one standing Obstacles. Everything else is overtaking.

In principle, the right cannot be overhauled. On the highway there is the take-off, which can be driven to the right faster than to the left, when the traffic stops to the left (stain, slow-flowing traffic). It is then possible to overtake at a maximum of 20 km/h.

2 years ago

Passing BAB is overtaking. And forbidden, except if

  • to the left of you standing or up to 60km/h in a snake (there are 20km/h left)
  • on an acceleration or Delay strips driving

If the left of you is slower or slower, you have to hold back or also brake.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zalla55

that’s how it is

2 years ago

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.