Auto zieht nach rechts trotz?
Hallo mein auto zieht nach rechts es wurde zweimal Achsvermessung und Spureinstellung gemacht alle beide Achsen trotzdem zieht der Wagen weiterhin Nachr rechts kennt jemand sich damit aus woran kann es liegen soweit ich es weiß ist der Wagen unfallfrei ich habe das Auto seit knapp sechs Monaten mit der Zeit ist mir aufgefallen dass der Wagen nach rechts zieht ich weiß aber nicht ob dieser Fehler schon vor dem Kauf da war oder Nachhinein aufgetreten ist das ist ein Mercedes C-Klasse W204 2011 Baujahr
Evtl. is a brake fixed or a wrong tire mounted..
Thank you for your answer and how can I check if the brake is stuck or not
Raise the vehicle and check whether the wheels are free to rotate without grinding noise
Let’s check the shock absorbers, I would have once, there was one broken.
Did you get that car on your side???
Axle measurement does not bring anything when the car moves from itself to one side. You have a grinding brake, different tire pressures on the left and right or different tires with different profiles.
All 4 tyres identical
tyre pressure all identical
How to check brakes
By raising the car and turning the wheels.
This can also be on the tires. Often, the tires have moved more one-sidedly. Especially on winter tires, it often happens that in some cars the steering wheel suddenly stands sloping or the car even moves slightly on one side. Try to change the tires or to swap the sides and see if something changes.
Tires look as good as 10,000km drive
What about the tire pressure? Here, too, a different value in the front tire can lead to the car pulling on one side.
Then put the wheel screws on, maybe a few are loose. If it wasn’t for me, I would have the bearing rubbers checked in a workshop. Otherwise, I don’t know what else it might be…
2.20bar I have even left 2.20 right 2.60bar pumped yet the car continues to right when the steering wheel is straight
If only the track has been set or the trail (if possible at all) and fall (rear axle is adjustable, however, is not possible correctly without a special measuring device) or only the track ? If so, then you should change the knife as soon as possible. Can you upload a survey protocol?
There was an axle measurement and track adjustment made after-running and so on I do not know the report.
What about the tires, the steering?
When I leave the steering wheel, the car moves to the right so that soon it changes time lane so the steering wheel is standing straight and the car moves to the right I have to steer so that the car drives straight out the tyres have run about 10,000 km