Auto zeigt Tempomatleuchte und Blinker links, obwohl kein Tempomat vorhanden?
Hallo zusammen, ich habe einen Skoda Octavia (2) RS 1z von 2009.
Gestern auf der Fahrt ist mir aufgefallen, dass der linke Blinkerpfeil und die Tempomatleuchte (beim rechts blinken) leicht grün leuchten. Aber mein Auto hat gar keinen Tempomat.
Was jemand, wieso das leuchtet? Ist es irgendwie ne versteckte Funktion oder so ? Denn ich weis nicht, was ich gemacht habe.
I’d say you’ve got quite mass errors in the lighting. Then the box also likes to move its mass over the instrument.
Since it’s a VW, it wouldn’t be unusual with the mass now. Coming relatively often to the lamps themselves by oxidized compounds. Mostly one of the rear light units is affected
And what can I do about it?
You should look for the mass error. It’s getting worse. At some point, it’s like this, which blinks the complete backlight, or when braking the flashers, or what I already had, that the fog lights have approached during braking at night
So I don’t see a tempomat sign on the picture.
Click this one. Next to the right bilnker arrow
I have to have bad eyes. I don’t see anything.
This also helps to read out error memory nix.
Here you have to look for mass errors in cabling. This preferably occurs in the region of the backlights (plug, circuit board). However, it can also occur in any other plug connection, frequently due to moisture entry.