Auto waschen erlaubt?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe ein dampfreiniger und würde gerne damit mein auto von außen reinigen da ich eine firma gesehen habe die das gleiche tut und sagt das durch das geringe Wasserverbrauch ein dampfreiniger erlaubt sei
Stimmt das ?
Liebe Grüße
This depends on the local regulations of your community. Many have banned the washing of motor vehicles outside washing stations with installed oil separators.
In most of the federal states, car washing is prohibited outside of places intended for this purpose. No matter how much or little water.
Cleaning of the discs is allowed if it is necessary for operational readiness.
In any case. External cleaning is difficult because oil can get into the sewer.
…good question…
This is certainly not a problem. But then you’ve got some discussion again. They think they know each other, I had a taxi driver before.
if your washing place is equipped accordingly,