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2 months ago

A person skilled in the art speaks of a restoration when, for example, the complete vehicle has been dismantled and subsequently, after de-rusting, chemically or electrolytically treated and defective parts have been repaired by at best original parts and have been repainted and rebuilt.

However, there are also people who have made the little professional and have thus partially ruined vehicles with very good substance. The sandblasting fraction with sprucelorgias and undeffinable paint thickness . For this reason, many vehicles restored will be far less worth than in the unrestored condition. It’s called caputation.

Not every restoration is also one, and completely restored means that the vehicle had almost new condition after the restoration.. best only with expert opinion from an officially recognized expert and image documentation of the restoration steps with detailed images that can also be traced for a professional..

Write to the seller and let the type of restoration define and, if necessary, proofs that will be made when correctly, have been duckly invested several10t€uros depending on the vehicle and size.

2 months ago

Just write and ask. While one understands a comprehensive restoration, the next new paint, or new chassis would be a restoration.

2 months ago

das kann alles mögliche bedeuten

komplett neu aufgebaut und alles wie neu

bis zu billigst zusammengespachtelt und schlecht lackiert

Das müsste alles sauber dokumentiert sein um dafür viel Geld auszugeben

2 months ago

Aufgefrischter Oldtimer. Teuer, für Liebhaber.