Auto Wartung – Worauf achten?
ich habe seit einer Woche mein allererstes Auto und freue mich natürlich sehr. Es ist ein VW Passat 3BG Comfortline (Automatik, Benziner, 116PS, Baujahr 2004, 100.000km, HU noch bis 09/2023).
Habe mich soweit mit dem Auto vertraut gemacht und möchte nun noch wissen, wie die Wartungsintervalle aussehen, bzw. worauf ich generell achten sollte, um das Auto so lange wie möglich fahren zu können. Habe um ehrlich zu sein sehr wenig Ahnung von Autos und bin dankbar für hilfreiche Tipps.
Liebe Grüße.
I would keep an eye on the wear of the brakes, especially on the rear axle. Because if metal first rubs on metal, the brake discs are in the bucket and then automatically becomes susceptible to a new set, since the bearings are pressed into the discs.
otherwise you should pay attention to the folds of the joint shafts, keep the oil level in the eye and look at every case after the tire pressure. Oil level and tire pressure I would say so all 500 to 1000 km.
You can make oil changes rusty by manufacturer specifications. but because of the comparatively low cost I would also make the filter.
the condition of the toothed belt should be looked at because when the tears, it is edgy.
Lg, Anna
With such an old car (without warranty, etc.) I would make once a year an oil change including oil filter, as well as air filter and interior filter. Otherwise exchange the spark plugs every 4 years (if you drive a lot halfway). Think you should drive well.
I would still check the brakes, the profile, and change gear oil when running. Gear belts, if present, should also be tested or replaced.
Ignition candles and engine oil including filter according to manufacturer interval, brakes and engine or interior air filter as required, oil and cooling water regularly check.
I’ll open the bonnet every 2-4 weeks, depending on the occasion, and I’ll look down. 5 min.
The maintenance interwalls are in the manual. There is the service plan where you can see what has been done so far.
I have the Passat 3bg as 1.9 TDI and I have often been recommended to take the short maintenance operation. Then the engine stops very long.
It’s all in the driver’s manual.