Auto versprochen und trotzdem bekomme ich nichts?
Hallo…ich habe den Führerschein und bin sei ein paar Wochen 18
Meine Eltern haben mir seit ich ein Kind bin versprochen, mir ein Auto zu kaufen, sobald ich den Führerschein habe…das ist jedoch trotzt Führerschein und trotzt Geburtstag nicht passiert, weil sie plötzlich sagen, dass ich mehr üben muss und dass ein Auto viel kostet (Steuern+Versicherung). Ich habe heute ein Gespräch gehört, in dem mein Vater zugegeben hat, das mit dem Auto nur gesagt zu haben, damit ich mit dem Führerschein schnell fertig werde…
Alle in der Schule haben ein Auto, jetzt kann man natürlich sagen, dass sich meine Eltern sich kein Auto leisten können…nun ist es leider genau das Gegenteil, das Auto von meinen Eltern ist so teuer, dass mir das “üben”, wie sie sagen, nichtmal möglich ist ohne ein billigeres zu kaufen ( was sie auch nicht wollen )
Was ich am schlimmsten finde ist nicht dass ich kein Auto bekomme, sondern dass ich Jahre lang ver*****t wurde und mir Hoffnungen gegeben wurden, obwohl sie von Anfang an, trotz der sehr guten finanziellen Lage, genau wussten, dass sie mir nichts geben wollten.
wie seht ihr das? Wie kann man so viel haben und dem Kind etwas versprechen und sich am Ende zurückziehen?
It can have various reasons why your parents don’t buy a car now. Maybe it’s a finesse problem that prevents your parents from giving you a car. If you want a vehicle, you only have your own purchase of a car.
Plans also change financial circumstances. And whether the car of your parents is financed, leased or paid off is in the stars.
You have an enormous claim. You made the license for you.
Papi paid
You want a car.
Papi paid
What comes from you in return?
Thank you?
This deal would and we did not do with our children either. They paid the license themselves. A small used car they got from us (in a price class where it doesn’t matter if a sramm comes in or when they drive it out of inexperience in the trenches).
Insurance and tax have carried them themselves! By side-job as an apprentice or carefree aziubi content.
Who actually pays for the costs if you want to switch from automatic to manual transmission?
Parents are not melkkühe at whom you can always use.
You poor kid, you really have to go to school. I can’t. All have a car, only I don’t. Maybe it wasn’t right to promise you something and then not to hold. There will certainly be a reason for this. You can talk to your parents.
I also promised my children a car in return to the 50% self-paid license. So 50 % F appearance and then 100 % car.
I can understand your trouble, you have been promised something that has not been observed in the end. This is annoying and you can also annoy yourself.
But it’s not that you have nothing. You’re young, you got your parents’ license. You have a roof over your head and I’m sure your parents have some money and you don’t miss it.
Try to stay on the carpet and see reality in the eye without being angry about coming down a bit. It’s not all as good as you right now. You annoy yourself about a missing car, others at your age have a separate apartment, can hardly pay the rent and have nothing more to eat at the end of the month.
This is not an accusation and not mean evil, but consider your desires and desires … You or you are not bad.
What keeps you from buying one from yourself?
I bought my first car myself
You’ve become 17 or just 18! The least of your fellow students will have a car. Don’t exaggerate!
Maybe your parents’ financial situation has changed and they didn’t want to tell you not to worry about you. If this is not the case, it was wrong to give you such a promise and not to comply. I’m right!
Hello, I’m younger than the others, they’re all 19…it’s true that they may not have their own car, but they can go to school by car, which parents don’t use…I don’t have this opportunity because my parents don’t let me drive by car, which is understandable
I therefore always have to go to school and the route is far
Then be glad you’re going to school as a “single-one” environment-friendly. Save money, save nature and save your life. Because in a broken nature you won’t be able to survive long.
You could run all these years or get a bike, you don’t need a car now
Don’t you have a bike?
You can buy an old Corsa for a few hundred euros like the YouTuber Gurkensohn.
120 euros… wouldn’t that be for you?
I like how positive he sells the car to his subscribers!
Hehe… there is also a music video: 🙂
How horny, he even let the Corsa torture 🤣
If you want a car, work for it. Life doesn’t always work like you want.
Also gives good cars from 3000€. But you can also buy an old Corsa for 1000€ until the TÜV expires 😁.
Mommy and Papi can’t always pay for you.
Unfortunately, the question acts a bit for me as the cliché of children with rich parents. I saved my training grade for two years, so I could buy a car where I was 18 years old. Did I cry? No. You have to learn how to deal with money
a little more. they don’t want to buy you a car, which you’ll break directly.
Thank you, I can understand that… unfortunately, the only car we have in the 6-digit area…if I broke it would be very bad
you see, so practice.
These are still your parents and buying a car is an extremely big gift and what do you want?
Take a break and save money on your own car and if you get the car, you have some money over
So what?
I had to work my raw first car hard and save my mouth. Why do you young people always think you’ll get all pushed into the Hixxntern, iPhone, Car, Everything??
Because the parents did it for 18 years. And once the cock is turned, the bump is big