Auto verliert Öl verlangt die Werkstatt geld auch wenn das auto rumsteht und auf denn nicht gearbeitet wird?

Also Wenn ein Auto Öl verliert und in die Werkstatt kommt, zahlt man dann durchgehend für die Fehlersuche? Was passiert, wenn es dort bleiben muss, weil Ersatzteile fehlen? Fällt eine Gebühr an, nur weil es in der Werkstatt steht, oder zahlt man nur für die tatsächliche Arbeitszeit?

Ein Mechaniker meinte zu mir, dass es länger als eine Stunde dauern kann, die Ursache des Ölverlusts zu finden. Das Auto muss von unten gewaschen, getrocknet und dann auf der Hebebühne stehen bleiben, um zu beobachten, wo das Öl austritt oft über mehrere Stunden. Wird diese Wartezeit auch berechnet, oder zahlt man nur für die tatsächliche Arbeitszeit? Wäre das gerechtfertigt oder eher Abzocke?

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1 month ago

Your insecurity is comprehensible. However, the engine compartment is washed and then the engine is allowed to be ventilated in the stand gas to be able to see where it runs out.

Normally, after washing, the vehicle is warmed or the engine is washed if it is already warm / operating warm, which minimizes the drying time. .

After the free drying time lasts 15 – 20 minutes, the box is placed on a lifting platform and tested for leak.. This is then paid again. When running the motor, the leaks should be recognizable after a few minutes.

The hour mentioned, including the motor wash, can also be comprehensible for two hours if it is a more complicated story and one has to disassemble one or the other components for recognizing the cause.

The question is whether oil is the exit and collects somewhere, drips in a cavity and only after a certain time and becomes recognizable only by this, or leaves oil stains on the ground I cannot answer.

What is not correct is the carr after washing to leave for a longer period of time if oil emerges sometime. idR has other reasons, for example, it is not necessary to process another customer.

In the operating state, the oil circuit in the engine will be under a certain pressure (three to five bars) and it can be seen quite quickly. When it goes down somewhere, it doesn’t last long that this is also the leak. That can always come from the top but this is the thing of the professionals..

The worst are oil impermeabilities between engine and gear. There you can start from leaky crankshaft seals and the gearbox mus ev Raus..

In the case, depending on the running distance, you should also work with others, such as a clutch if it is worn but not yet completely at the end to renew. But that goes right into the money is perhaps more useful in the longer term so that you do not have to do the work twice.

If you were betrayed about which vehicle it could be considered neuralgic prunkte that occur or are known to this engine or vehicle more.

1 month ago

In the hourly billing set such things as using a lifting platform and using tools are taken into account. As your workshop calculates this now, we do not know that every company handles after its calculations. I could imagine that the use of the lifting platform is calculated separately in this case. It is blocked for the duration of the diagnosis for earlier work.

1 month ago

It is only calculated if the vehicle is actually used. If the box is at the farm a week, because something has to be ordered, it doesn’t cost anything.

1 month ago

You only pay for troubleshooting and the reperature with the parts. If the car is longer because the parts need longer until they are there, you don’t pay.

1 month ago

You only pay the actual working time.

If the car has to stop for 3 days because a spare part has to be ordered, this waiting time will not be charged to you. You’d be running a few thousand euros.