Auto verkauft , aber nicht ganzes Geld bekommen?
Ich habe ein Auto für 15.500€ verkauft.
der junge man mit Frau und Kind hatte nur 14.500 dabei.
1000€ sollte ich heute bekommen( haben wir auch im Kaufvertrag festgehalten ) beide Autoschlüssel und Brief hat er bekommen. Muss ich ihm noch eine Frist geben bevor ich etwas unternehme ? Kann ich noch was unternehmen ?
der reagiert auch auf meine Anrufe und Nachrichten nicht.
Did you show your ID when buying?
Do you have his correct address?
I would write him and set him a deadline (until the… – a date in 14 days) and specify my account number (I always take a savings account number if I’m not sure what people do with it – at least they can’t write off – call it mistrust, okay). By registered, of course.
And if the money isn’t there, you can initiate a dunning procedure…
Thank you
we have recorded everything correctly
As with your salary, yesterday was a holiday in many federal states, so there can be delays.
Registered letter with deadline set (2 weeks), in case of non-payment announcement of legal steps.
(Note: I would leave the car to him only after full payment! – for the future…)
Thank you
The vehicle cost 6,000 euros. Agreed 5000. Rest if vehicle has no damage, which was not the case. Accident damage and more. So I didn’t steal the 1000 euros. Am I right?
Did you sign on the purchase contract that you got the money? If so, you can book the €1000 as an apprenticeship. If you don’t, you could do it legally, but it’ll be a lot of stress.
I have written ” 14.500 received, 1000€ paid up to 1.11.23 ”
what would you do?
Oh, there’s a payment deadline… If the remaining money should be paid by transfer, it can be good that it is only tomorrow with you. Today is a holiday in many federal states, and I do not know how this affects banking. So I’d wait till tomorrow. But then I’d be hard…
Yes, set a deadline in writing and then judicial dunning.
How long should the deadline be at least?
You don’t need a deadline anymore. Every new deadline would be pure kindness of you…
14 days