Auto verkauft?
Mein Vater hat sein gebraucht Wagen verkauft. Der Käufer hat alles per Bar bezahlt fragt nicht wieso keine Ahnung. Mein Vater will das Geld jetzt auf sein Konto haben. Wie wäre es am schlausten da mein Vater bei einer Direktbank ist und Gebühren zahlen müsste. Mein Onkel ist bei der Sparkasse und kann Barzahlung Gebühren frei einzahlen. Ist es möglich dass wir das Bargeld mein Onkel geben und er uns dann das Geld überweist. Ist sowas erlaubt?
First, how much cash do we talk about? The legal limit is 10 TEuro
Secondly, there is the purchase agreement on the vehicle, which is at least a proof. The address of the buyer should be included.
I don’t see a problem not paying the money on the basis myself. With the thoughtful approach, you also cheat the bank of your father about the contractually agreed fees!
This with the uncle is in several respects not a good idea:
Your uncle explained to the bank that the account will only be charged for your own account… so foreign funds have nothing to look for.
In addition, your uncle must lead the proof of origin, which will not succeed him with the contract that runs on your father… the uncle can really get into trouble.
thank you
Your uncle is an authorized employee. So he can deposit it. The purchase contract should be sufficient, as a receipt is usually integrated there. If not your uncle will definitely believe you with the car and then you can do the “under the hand” but on official path with the purchase contract usually goes
Clearly this is allowed
I looked a little bit and I pushed on a set what applies to individuals with regard to money laundering law. You need proof from 10k or so. Is there any delay between buyer and seller as proof? However, is a sample photo of probably not legal certainty
The is Right-wing.
Jo thank you, my father isn’t so familiar with the Internet and I wasn’t even at the trial now getting the task of doing it best now 😂 just wanted to make sure isn’t my money. But thank you
It’s not a gift, it’s a “joy” if you want to express it like that.
And now don’t make yourself unnecessarily crazy, you can prove the cash flow completely.
As soon as the money is paid by the bank, my uncle transfers the money back.
Okay, thanks. Another little thing. Then my father would give my uncle his brother-in-law money. Count it already set to this gift. Since the border is 20k and my father stretches 22k
What should be illegal?
I looked a little bit and I pushed on a set what applies to individuals with regard to money laundering law. You need proof from 10k or so. Is there any delay between buyer and seller as proof? However, is a sample photo of probably not legal certainty