Auto verkaufen Reimport angeben?


ich habe mir vor 3 Jahren einen Reimport von einem Händler in Deutschland geholt, das Auto wurde in München hergestellt (steht auch so in der EG-Übereinstimmungserklärung) und die EZ war in Slowenien dann wurde das Auto wieder nach DE importiert und ich kaufte es bei einem BMW-Händler. Die Papiere und alles sieht aus als wäre ich der Erstzulasser und auch sonst schaut alles so aus als ist es ein ganz normales deutsches Auto. Muss ich beim Wiederverkauf das im Kaufvertrag angeben, dass es ein Importwagen ist oder ist es dann überhaupt noch ein Importwagen also ein ganz normales Auto?

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5 years ago

In any case, you must specify in the purchase contract that you are the 2. Owner is.

You don’t have to hide that reimport.

As you get the cucumber relatively cheap, the sales price will be fine, I hope.

To hide something to achieve higher prices often costs more than you could make profit.

5 years ago
Reply to  1xxRxx1

Well, if it’s already to cross, of course, “yes,” otherwise you’re doing a wrong job.

5 years ago

You must, because it’s a price-forming factor. If you don’t give it, you’ll be guilty of the fraudulent deception. The contract can therefore be contested. There have been court judgments. The plaintiff has not always been right at once, but by appeal very often. I wouldn’t risk it.

5 years ago

So it wasn’t a re-import new car you configured, but an already approved re-import?

5 years ago
Reply to  1xxRxx1

Yes, the dealer takes care of the re-import. Nevertheless, it is possible that the dealer configures the car and allows it on his own or that you configure it and the car is admitted to you as a new car.

5 years ago
Reply to  1xxRxx1

Okay, thanks. That’s enough. With Re-Import there is also the possibility that you “configure” a car exactly according to your ideas, so you decide which engine, which color, what equipment. And then the car is new and you’re the first owner. If the car has already been driven 4000 km, then you are not first owner, but at least. Second owner, which is at least important for the purchase contract.

5 years ago

I want you to make (the ADAC purchase agreement includes a box where you should cross), that the car is a reimport, is entered in the papers encrypted, i.e., the buyer can experience this and then make you trouble.