Auto Verkauf nur an Händler?
Wieso bevorzugen die meisten ihr Auto an Händlern zu verkaufen? Ich habe bspw. mein Auto an einen Händler verkauft (ist ein Bekannter). Ich war anfangs ein wenig skeptisch von dem Inhalt des Vertrages. Er meinte, dass das so (siehe Bild) ausreichen würde. Er meinte, wenn es mir immer noch auf dem Gewissen liegt, kann ich gerne selbst ein Kaufvertrag formulieren und er würde den auch unterschreiben.
Ich war nur skeptisch, weil ich der dritte Halter des Fahrzeuges bin und auf dem Vertrag „2“ stehen. Auf der Zulassungsbescheinigung steht aber (die ich ihm gegeben habe), wie viele Halter stehen. Zu dem war ich unsicher bzgl. der Grammatik. Was sagt ihr, stehe ich so trotzdem auf der sicheren Seite, also reicht der Vertrag vollkommen aus und ist er gültig? Alle benötigten Unterlagen habe ich ihm ausgehändigt und er wird das Auto laufe der Woche abmelden.
A purchase agreement on one thing is not subject to any form.
Therefore, yes the contract is legally binding.
As you sell to a commercial buyer, there is no warranty claim, which is the great advantage. Nevertheless, the information in the purchase agreement should be correct, I would necessarily change the number of previous owners and, in any case, would also include the agreement on decommissioning. In addition, a retention of title until full payment
A purchase contract is created by the same declaration of will and it is already legally binding either orally or by gestures.
The role of toilet paper is awarded to the dealer with 1€, which is legally the invitation to submit a binding offer. You put the roll on the boxing tape, and you’re playing it. “I buy this toilet paper for 1€”. The cashier pulls it over the scanner and the cashier registers it at the price 1€. “I am authorized by the store owner to make a declaration of will in his name and accept your offer of purchase”. This means that the toilet paper belongs to you through a legally binding purchase contract….
And now comes the bill, you can take it without paying, but are obliged to pay it immediately. This means in the German legal system, within three days. And only if the seller makes immediate payment in his terms and conditions a part of the contract, he can assert his retention of title. If there is no AGB, the BGB applies. There is no immediate payment and no retention of title. Means without AGB the toilet paper is yours as soon as it is scanned and you have to pay within three days.
A purchase contract of a professional trader looks different.
But no matter what, did you get the 38,500 in BAR?
Yeah, I did.
I thought, “it’s not a contract that looks like that, especially with this sum.” I got the cash. He said if I wanted a new contract because of my conscience, I could come and he’d sign it, but he assured me I’m on the safe side.
You sold the vehicle to him. You don’t care what he’s doing now. Nevertheless, a serious trader looks different.
I wouldn’t sign the contract, rather load and fill out the model contract
Then he has no guarantee. This is not possible with private.
Do you have a business?
No, no business.
Then sell or buy better than business
The buyer has nothing to guarantee anyway. In addition, it does not matter whether the seller is commercial or not. It is only important to ensure that the purchaser is commercially involved.
I assumed he was a commercial performance. Arglistige deception also goes to private
Don’t you understand anything? Read it again.
Arglient deception or fraud is also available at B2B
It does not matter whether the seller is commercial, it is only important whether the buyer is commercial or not.
Yeah, if you don’t sell as a commercial.
Are all defects listed? Add that no further deficiencies are known and nothing would remain silent.
Because of awkward deception and stuff.
I sold my car to a dealer as a private person. The contract stands. Only my question about the validity & form of the contract refers to whether it is valid anyway and I am on the safe side.