Auto Verbrauch Normal?
BMW E60 545i Automatik.
in der Stadt: Laut Bordcomputer 15L Cirka
Autobahn bei 80Kmh ca 10, 12L
BMW E60 545i Automatik.
in der Stadt: Laut Bordcomputer 15L Cirka
Autobahn bei 80Kmh ca 10, 12L
Grüße euch Leute ich bin recht am verzweifeln ich fahre seit knapp 2 Jahren einen Ford smax wa6 2006 2 Liter 131 PS bei mir ist das Problem das auf einmal ein Fehler kommt mit Motor Störung und ESP Störung dann geht fast gar nichts mehr ich kann in den 1 Gang 20kmh fahren 2…
Hallo, ich möchte ein usb transmitter nutzen, aber wenn ich beim radio die tasten, pfeile drûcke um die frequenz auszuwählen, die such funktion überspringt die frequenz des usb transmiters. Wie kann ich manuel die frequenz des transmitters auswählen?
Servus suche ein gutes Auto was leistung hat und robust/ zuverlässig ist. Sollte am besten nicht rosten, bin offen für alle Automarken. Budget sind ca 8000€ Vielen Dank für Antworten
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15 liters in the city can already come, depending on the driving conditions, ten liters at the highway with 80 km/h quite also – this is after all a whole mass of sheet metal that has to be moved and the E60 was quite heavy and unloading – the part has over 300 hp.
My E38 had an average consumption of about eleven liters at the time, in the city it could be 15 times.
City consumption is coming. At only 80 km/h on the highway it should be significantly less. But why do you get a V8 to be overtaken by 80 trucks on the highway? Or you mean 180 km/h. Then it would be relatively little.
Highway, 80 Km/h… Why do you need a highway?
Short-haul traffic inside eats lots of fuel. How you feel… And on the AB too much!
In addition to your gas foot, there could also be a technical error. If you always give strong gas instead of swimming in traffic, that’s the way. There’s also a few more liters left.
See you here
Fuel consumption: BMW – 5er –
and at 12l on the highway at allegedly 80km/h.. If I thought, THAT can’t be in the best will. This led me to average consumption in the E38
Another former E38 driver!
Was a nice car, unfortunately I had various reliability problems – the BMWs were too sensitive to me compared to Mercedes.
Was a very nice model, yes
If they were to put up with new technology again, then I can let myself go again
Ging actually. But if I compare it with my current Audi, I have to say that the Audi is more reliable and not as susceptible to errors as the BMW at that time
Mine was actually also okay, a beautiful 728i with manual shift in Uni Dark Blue – he didn’t have many extras, but was a very attractive vehicle. The feeling of driving was overwhelming.
However, I had a very high standard, which the BMW could not hold. The deficiencies and errors weren’t even bad, but I was used to Mercedes reliability and didn’t want to be under the car or to the workshop. But after that had an E39, inheritance of my great aunt who was really bad.
for such a car with such a motor clearly too much!
What are you doing on the current consumption indicator? sometimes it doesn’t always go very well.
I have a competitive product in similar configuration. generically said a S210 with M 113 / E43 engine When I drive a lot autobahn with it and keep me back, I’ll be just under the 9 liters. I’m about 12 litres in the mix.
Lg, Anna
I guess there’s something broken… over 6.5 probably not.
What are you dreaming about next?
This is N62B44 V8 with 4.4l and 333hp
I had the pre-model in nem E38 and there I did not get under 12l LPG on long distance
My cangoo doesn’t go more than 5.5 in the best will when he pulls a big follower… and then he doesn’t go to 9…
You are seriously comparing a small cangoo with an overgrown BMW!?