Auto und Motorrad FÜHRERSCHEIN – sind die Prüfungen schwer und gleichzeitig oder getrennt machen?

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ich hab paar fragen wegen FÜHRERSCHEIN

Ich bin vor bisschen weniger als 3 Monaten 17 geworden und hab vor mich in den nächsten Tagen für mein Autoführerschein anzumelden (Fahrschule) wegen Auto.. (L17)

aber ich hab auch noch vor, ein Motorradführerschein zu machen.. (A1)

weil mit nem Autoführerschein, hat man nur n Erlaubnis für n MOTORROLLER/MOPEDS die Max 45km/h fahren. Aber ich werd mir nen richtigen Motorrad kaufen, mit dem ich schnell fahren kann, im Straßenverkehr weiter komme und auch auf Autobahnen fahren darf..

jz hab ich paar Fragen.

  1. wie schwer ist die Theorie Prüfung bei Autoführerschein bei Moped/Motorrad?
  2. ksnn man beide Führerscheine gleichzeitig machen? Wenn ja, was ist besser? Gleichzeitig oder einzeln? Weil dann muss man ja beides gleichzeitig lernen.. für Auto und Moped / Motorrad..
  3. wie lange sollte man lernen bzw üben, um die Theorie Prüfung beim ersten Mal zu bestehen?
  4. wird dort auf Drogen getestet oder nicht? (Nur ne frage, nehm sonst nicht wirklich Drogen.. vllt 1-2 mal im Monat mal Gras, sonst nichts.. und was ich wirklich nehme sind, nur Zigaretten, koffein und selten alk)
  5. Wie viel wird das kosten bzw. Beides?? So ungefähr halt


6.darf man dort mit 17 während den Fahrstunden rauchen? Gibt es eig überhaupt so tolerante Fahrlehrer, die es erlauben mit 17 dort zu rauchen.. ich mein man ist schon 17 und die Fahrlehrer sind ja keine Polizisten..

Danke Schonmal!


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1 year ago
  1. From city to city different. In both tests. In theory, it’s blunt to learn, but you can’t influence the practice. A stupid cyclist can make sure you’re going through. It’s best if you don’t know his city. Where’s the sign? Where are the difficult places?
  2. As far as I know you have to make one driving license after another. You don’t have to give as much as the first driving license at the second. But the assessment is more strict. Have a seat with your driving school and ask.
  3. Since day 1. If you have the app, learn 30min daily. 7 days a week. Until the test.
  4. If you have a registered history, something can happen. But if nothing is known, nothing like that will happen.
  5. Car driver’s license about 2000 – 3000€ on the motorcycle should be around the 2000. Depends on the cost of the driving school, how many hours you need and how to get through the test.
  6. Officially, the minors are not allowed to smoke. With me in the driving school they all had to stay nicely brav inside, the smoker would stay in. But many accept it. Smoking just with and the instructor says, “I don’t see it.”
1 year ago

How difficult is the theory test for car registration at moped/motorcycle?

very simple

do you know both driving licences at the same time? If so, what is better? Simultaneously or individually? Because then you have to learn both at the same time. for car and moped / motorcycle.

yes, go at the same time

How long should one learn or practice to pass the theory examination during the first time?

I have served 2-3 days

is there tested for drugs or not? (Only ask, don’t really take drugs.. Does 1-2 times a month grow grass, otherwise nothing.. and what I really take, only cigarettes, caffeine and rare alk)

unfortunately no

How much will the cost or Both?? How about

125s – 2000-3000€

Car – 2500-3500€

1 year ago
  1. The questions and answers are well known.
  2. Yeah, at the same time, saves some money.
  3. If you can answer all the questions correctly.
  4. No. That’s what the police do later.
  5. Together, it costs about 4000 euros.
  6. No. The hands belong to the Volant.
1 year ago

In theory, you can register for both. Overall, it is then cheaper. If you pass the exam, you will be a year for practical exams .

1 year ago

1) if you learn very easily. Have also made motorcycle & car driver license a year ago and both passed with little effort with 0 error points

2) I can think, but I would not recommend. They’d do it directly.

3) in each case make all questions at least once and then a few more examinations. But it depends on you and how quickly you can remember the things

4) at least not for me

5) depends on the region where you are doing. For example, the car driver’s license in my city cost about 2.2k and 15km more 1.5k, which is why I made both driving licences in the other city.

6) he cannot forbid you. Of course, it is not allowed to smoke during class, but my instructor has always made breaks in which he has smoked himself.

Hope could help you

1 year ago

For something like this, each driving school has several appointments per week for advice.

They will advise you correctly and answer all your questions.

What I can advise you, don’t make an A1 appearance. These are not “right motorcycles” With 18 you can drive A2. I’d rather consider it.

And on the subject of smoking: I don’t believe a driving school in the world allows riders to smoke during driving hours.
What you do during the possible breaks in the theoretical hours does not arouse anyone.