Auto- und Handy-Technik: Wie kommen die Amis in ihren Fimen darauf, dass Autos und Handys GPS Sender drin hätten?
In vielen Krimis fällt der Sprich: “Och, lasst uns mal das Auto orten, die haben doch GPS!” oder “Ha! Wir haben seine Handy-Nummer. Lasst uns mal seinen Standort mit dem GPS herausfinden!” – Ich weiss, dass sie GPS-Empfänger drin haben. Den ermittelten Standort senden diese Dinger aber nirgendwohin. Und natürlich kann manein Handy über die Funkzellen orten. Das ist aber eine Triangulation über die Antennen, keine Abfrage irgendwelcher GPS Koordinaten oder Längen-Breitengraden.
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So that the film does not consist of 40 boring hours.
This has to run away in a way.
Therefore you can also shorten a car despite immobilizer. Of course, the flashing cable ends, after successful starting, are grilled together. (They ride with the starter?)
For the same reason, “Die” at “Staatsfeind No. 1” could also discover the technical device in its carrying bag by recalculating the recording of a conventional surveillance camera in the computer so that the recording of other viewing angles could be considered. Where the computer wanted the hidden image information is not cleared.
In the same way, any still so populous digital photography can be zoomed indefinitely and every time a computer calculates the image information sharply in seconds.
I hope I didn’t spoil you the movie. I like watching movies and dazzle in my head sogut it goes out if something is completely impossible. In science fiction this is simple, but in realistic films, my neck hair is now emerging.
Because a movie is no more and no less.
You may not believe how many data the car manufacturers collect about you 😉 The more modern the car, the more they know about you and your driving style.In times of telematics/live services and SOS services no wonder…
If you have a Navi, you know exactly where your car is. Gives apps to yourself, testify to where your car parks…
Interest me! Do you have any more information?
Many company vehicles are also equipped with GPS in Germany.
Yeah, I know that. But the thing with the trackers is now ancient in the movies. I just don’t think that in the U.S. all sorts of navigated are connected to a tracker.
In Germany too, many cars are connected to the Internet. Tesla, e.g. automatically stores your motion profile, the recordings of the 10 cameras and the microphone.