Auto ummelden?
Hey Leute,
meine Freundin hat das Auto Ihrer verstorbenen Mama geerbt, nun finden wir aber den großen Fahrzeugbrief nicht, könnte uns vielleicht wer helfen was man in so einer Situation macht und wie man das Auto dann ummeldet?
Danke schon mal im Voraus.
Request a replacement letter at the admission office. You’ll get it if you swear that you don’t find it. I think he’s stuck somewhere well.🫣 You must say you put everything on your head, but not found.
First thanks for your answer, what documentation do we need for this?
Hopefully you have the vehicle license. It’s the inheritance. Yeah, call it.
Okay, let’s do this. Thank you.
Check if the good piece is in the financing, then the lender has the letter.
Sign a declaration at the registration office, then there is a second letter.
Hey, no. Was a Bar Payment