Auto ummelden?
Meine Freundin hat ein Auto, d.h. sie steht im Fahrzeugbrief und im Fahrzeugschein. Ich habe das Auto damals auf meinen Namen angemeldet, also ich bin Versicherungsnehmer.
Die Beziehung ging leider kaputt aber ich möchte sie trotzdem unterstützen beim Weg zu mehr “Selbstständigkeit”.
Wenn sie das Auto nun auf ihren Namen anmelden will, was braucht sie dafür und wie müssen wir vorgehen? Wie sind da die genauen Schritte? Muss ich einfach nur kündigen und sie kann den Rest alleine machen? Sie braucht doch dann quasi nur eine evB Nummer oder? Und meine Versicherung kann ich sofort kündigen ohne Frist?
Und wie läuft das mit der KFZ Steuer? Die soll sie nach Möglichkeit auch schnell selbst zahlen
(Sind vielleicht doofe Fragen aber es ist schon paar Jahre her als ich das Auto angemeldet habe, ich weiß nicht mehr wie sowas abläuft)
You have to change the holder together:
1) Complete new car insurance: The new holder must complete a valid car insurance and receive an eVB number.
You have to tell your insurance.
2) Go to the registration office: both parties must go to the local car registration office in person.
The new holder needs the following documents:
Valid identity document (identification card or passport)
IBAN for payment of the car tax
Previous license plates (can be taken over by the new holder)
Certificates of authorisation Part I and II
eVB number of new motor insurance
For older vehicles: proof of the main examination
Paying fees: The transfer fees are usually €16.70 or €27, depending on whether the vehicle is re-registered in the same or in another admission district.
Do we really have to go to the admission office? This becomes difficult, we don’t talk properly anymore (at present even not at all) and she also lives in another state…
Can’t I just cancel the insurance (runs on me) and then she makes the rest alone by going to the admission office with new evB and IBAN?
When is your contract expiry date?
You could terminate the car insurance at the end date of 1 month…
I would give her something written: “Responds to the mark xxc:
Ms. xx is hereby given the power to allow the above car to its name with the chassis number x** and to reuse the same number if necessary.
And make a copy of your ID.
The best way to call at the location where you can proceed.
The girlfriend’s already a holder. So your proposal cannot work.
You have to change the holder together…
There is no change of age, where the girlfriend is already in the Fzg-Papieren, according to the position of the first sentence:
What is the nonsense – it is already the vehicle owner?
If you also pay the car tax, it must go to the registration office. The best way is to call her admission office and ask how to handle it.
Do you think we’ll have to do anything when the car’s clock? She has signed the purchase contract, she has proven to have the registration (wurde made by Autohaus) and paid the license plate, she is in vehicle registration and vehicle letter… Actually, I only applied for a evB number on my name and pay the insurance 🤔
And it is said to present the purchase contract at the registration office.
Okay, thanks
I registered the car on my name at that time, so I’m an insurance company…
Error – this is a contradiction: if you have registered the car on you, then your girlfriend can never stand in the Fzg.-Papieren!?
It’s with Versich. nothing to do…
If she wants to register the car on her name, what does she need for it and how do we have to do…
On the question in the first sentence, do you write that it is already in the papers, that is, already Fzg.-Halter!?
What’s wrong??
She has Purchase contract signed, she has proven to have paid the registration (was made by car house) and the license plate, it stands for vehicle registration and vehicle registration…
What do you want to do?? She is already Vehicle holder!!!
In order to get rid of motor insurance, you have to terminate the contract in due course at the expiry date (with a period of 1 month) and the girlfriend has to seek an insurer and notify the EVB-Ü to the registration office – all without any dates at the registration office ;-))
but I still want to support them in the path to more “self-employment”…
You don’t want to “support” her, you just want to get rid of your verse.
… and in the customs simply change the account connection because of the car tax!
(Maybe stupid questions but it’s been a couple years ago when I registered the car, I don’t know what’s going on.
You haven’t even registered the car and stupid are the questions anyway, as you’re here spreading some inconveniences regarding the vehicle…
Unfortunately, you still haven’t given me your contract date for a detailed answer :-(((
Read it??
Come to me as well as known about the 500km…
(For the facts: I am registered as an insurance company and vehicle owner, they are only a driver)…
Sorry – but such a stupid constellation does not exist at the vehicle registration!!!??