Auto-tune irgendwo kostenlos?
Helloww guysss.
Ich hatte vor in den nächsten Tagen/Wochen ein cover hochzuladen, würde aber gerne etwas Auto-tune drüber packen.
Könnte mir irgendwer kostenloses Auto-tune empfehle, für den Pc? Es wäre schon ziemlich.
Danke schon mal im voraus :))
I hope I can help you I don’t know if you have IOS, Android or Windows at IOS there’s garage band that’s very good at the others you should watch for free there’s actually not that easy. And “just” Autotune doesn’t exist anyway. Except for such cheap apps. Otherwise you should look at Amazon or here
For the Freeware Audacity there is a plugin called GSnap, but I don’t know how well it works. Another alternative would be to use the trial version of a paid program (e.g. Ableton Live)
I don’t know how to answer the question. But are you sure? Auto-Tune sounds terrible.
Never used, but at least free:
Ups, should actually be a response and no comment 😉
Axle 😀
Haha has happened to me more often
I don’t know. My vote is relative ”okay’ without editing. But I would like to see how my voice sounds.
You don’t need it. I find all the voices sound the same at Auto-Tune.
Well, I’ll just try it without. Thank you