Auto Totalschaden Wertermittlung?
Hallo, ich habe eine hypotetische Frage zu der ich gerne die Antwort wüsste.
Wenn mir jemand mein Auto komplett zu Schrott fährt, dann steht mir ja der aktuelle Zeitwert als Ersatz zu, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe.
Ich habe mein Fahrzeug letztes Jahr gekauft. Dafür bekam ich 6000 Euro BAFA Prämie zurück. Das Fahrzeug selbst hatte einen Listenpreis von 40.000 Euro und ist nun 10.000 Euro teurer geworden.
Heißt ich habe damals 34.000 Euro gezahlt und der Listenpreis ist nun 50.000 Euro.
Wird der Restwert dann anhand von den 34.000 Euro festgemacht oder am theoretischen Wiederverkaufswert dieses Modells? Denn der ist mit dem Preisanstieg natürlich ebenfalls stark angestiegen.
Danke 🙂
The value determination in a total damage is usually carried out by an expert. This is ordered by the insurance company and assesses the vehicle.
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The amount of compensation shall be determined on the basis of this opinion.
In addition to assessing the accident vehicle, however, it is also a question of how highly up-to-date and on the local market the comparable used cars are traded.
The determination of the value is based on the current market situation, because the aim of the law is to put you as if the accident had not happened – it is therefore determined how much today would be to pay for a comparable used car, neither interest the then nor the current list price.
Thank you :
Since every KFZ damage is different, you can’t say anything hypothetical.
That is why there are experts who calculate the amount of damage and the residual value of a vehicle.
Pensioners have no right
It is about the procurement value of a similar vehicle. Experts therefore look at the lowest offers in the single-challenge portals and underpin them. It may be that the lower new price sum is then used.
what you have paid does not matter, the value before the accident counts and is used for further calculation.
It is looked at what the recovery value of a similar car costs and the residual value is determined.
repurchase value minus residual value is payout
Thank you :
Source with further details: value/
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The current repurchase value is taken, not your purchase price.