Auto seit ca. 4 Jahren abgemeldet – soll verkauft werden – was tun?

Hallo 🙂

Bekannte von mir haben einen Opel Omega Sechszylinder Bj. ca. Ende 90er der eig. von deren Onkel stammt & seit dessen Tod seit Mai 2011 in der Garage gestanden hat. Er wurde noch ein halbes Jahr gefahren & dann endgültig abgemeldet. Keiner konnte ihn brauchen & jetzt soll er verkauft werden.

Sie wollten den jetzt verkaufen, das Auto ist aktuell bei ‘ner Werkstatt für Inspektion & TÜV und Zahnriemenwechsel… jetzt sagte dort jemand meinen Bekannten dass man da erst ein “Vollgutachten” braucht (ich weiß nicht was das ist) um dieses Auto jemals wieder zulassen zu können, eine “Vollabnahme” & dass das sehr teuer ist, sich eigentlich nicht lohnt & man könnte das Auto eigentlich nur noch verschrotten.

Jetzt sind meine Bekannten total verunsichert & wissen nicht was sie machen sollen. Aber das Auto steht echt gut da, hat ich glaube keine 70.000 Km hinter sich.

Fragen: Was ist diese “Vollabnahme”, ist die wirklich so teuer & was ist das sogenannte “Vollgutachten”, oder sagt der Händler da irgendwas unsinniges?

Vielen Dank schon mal 🙂

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10 years ago

The “full review”, as it is said in the Volksmund, is a “review to the issue of a single permit under §21 StVZO”. that is still very well, but is no longer needed in your case. By 01.01.2007, after StVZO, a vehicle which had been registered for more than 12 months at Anrag for 18 months was deemed to have expired, a decrease in accordance with §21 had to be made. Since 01.01.2007, however, the FZV (vehicle registration regulation) has not been deemed to have been void. Until 7 years, the vehicle data is stored at the KBA, but also afterwards a HU/AU is sufficient, as long as you can prove the vehicle data by an old letter / appearance or the EC declaration of conformity / Certificate of Conformity or a data sheet for re-appointment.

A review according to §21 (in the Volksmund “Fullgutachten”) is only necessary if no data exists in any of the above forms or the vehicle is introduced as a used vehicle from a non-EU country.

The dealer can easily introduce the Omega to a HU as if he had been unsubscribed yesterday. The dealer is still on an “old state of knowledge”

10 years ago

A full withdrawal costs about 200 euros. I’d let you do it.

10 years ago

hmm, real professionals at the factory — Full review is no longer available since 2007, normal HU is enough. And the full review was also just a HU that just cost a little more.

Significantly more expensive could become various stand damages. Probably the vehicle was not kept professionally for the long service life.

10 years ago

No, the car is only unsubscribed and not shut down. if it’s good again, you can let it be normal.

10 years ago

It is indeed correct that you must now make a full withdrawal. For for a vehicle that has been unregistered for several years, all technical data (for a motor vehicle) must now be re-established – i.e. from the idle weight to the dimensions of the vehicle to the maximum speed. And it costs real money at TÜV, DEKRA & Co. Although they can take these technical data from existing documents, they do not have to.

10 years ago
Reply to  derhandkuss

For all technical data (for a vehicle registered for several years) must now be re-established for a new vehicle.

In the case of a vehicle that had just been unsubscribed for about 4 years, this data is taken over from the vehicle letter.

10 years ago
Reply to  PatrickLassan

I know they can be taken over, but they don’t have to.

9 years ago
Reply to  derhandkuss

Only for you (the hand kiss), as you are still on the “oldest legal status” as you describe it, it was so until 01.01.2007.



The “full review”, as it is said in the Volksmund, is a

“Asssessment for granting a single operating permit according to §21
StVZO. that there is still, but will no longer be
required. By 01.01.2007, after StVZO, a vehicle was considered to be longer
when 12 months had been notified to Anrag 18 months, the operating permit
a decrease in accordance with § 21. Since
01.01.2007, however, the FZV (vehicle approval regulation) applies, as a result
the operator’s permit shall not be deemed void. Up to 7 years
vehicle data stored at the KBA, but also after that, a
HU/AU, as long as you have the vehicle data by an old letter / appearance
or the EC declaration of conformity / Certificate of Conformity or
a data sheet may prove to be re-registered.

A review according to §21 (in the Volksmund “Fullgutachten”)is only
necessary if no more data in any of the above forms
exists or the vehicle exists as a used vehicle from a non-EU
This is the case in the United Kingdom.

The dealer can easily introduce the omega to a HU as
he had been reported yesterday. The dealer is still on an “old”