Auto privat verkaufen, wie?

Der Wagen ist natürlich normal auf mich zugelassen, angemeldet und versichert, hat natürlich auch meine Kennzeichen drauf.

Damit der Käufer das Auto anmelden kann ( Normale Kennzeichen oder Kurzzeitkennzeichen)muss ich das Auto abmelden wie ich das verstanden habe?

Wenn ich das Auto abmelde dann werden mir meine Kennzeichen bei Zullasungstelle weggenommen?

Das heißt das Auto muss ohne Kennzeichen etweder 5 Minuten oder ein Tag draußen stehen bis der Käufer das Auto angemeldet hat?

Das Auto darf aber nicht ohne Kennzeichen draußen stehen…

Wie macht man so was denn :/ ?

Das Auto angemeldet will ich nicht verkaufen das ist mir riskant… danke euch 🙂

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4 years ago

Hello Roki,

you must the vehicle does not log off. You can also sell it registered and in the purchase contract Clause anchor that the buyer undertakes to unsubscribe the car, for example, within 7 working days. If the buyer does not meet these requirements, you can Claims for compensation claim for the delay period.

If you want to sell the car unsubscribed, you need to drive with the signs (and another car or ÖPNV) to the admission point and present your shields there. Here the seal is removed, the shields are yours Property and you can keep them!

That the car then stands without a license plate (or you bring it back, is more inconspicuous) for a short time, you must accept if you have no other option. The penalty for this is different depending on the city.


4 years ago

I also had the problem at that time, as the buyer wanted to drive the vehicle (approved to me) to the approval authority. I think it’s quite common, but I was too hot.

I left the vehicle in our garage, gave the buyer license plates and papers and then he picked it up with the new license plates.

Do you know someone where you can park the vehicle overnight in the garage? Otherwise, I see no other way than the vehicle registered for sale or You can go to the registration office with the buyer and he will take you to the bus or home after it has been registered.

4 years ago

I would strongly advise. There are many scams that still drive around on insurance costs & tax of the seller

It’s just trouble

Check the car. free purchase contract from ADAC privately to privately without liability

sign the contract. Evtl. finds a way to park the car privately on a private grounds

4 years ago

What are you doing?

You leave your car registered until it is sold! In order to allow the potential buyer a test drive, the car should be registered. If it is sold or sold, you can unsubscribe.

4 years ago

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