Auto oder Bus fahren? Was ist günstiger?
Hallo. Das benötigte Monatsticket für den Bus kostet um die 74€.
Wenn ich mir einen günstigen gebrauchten Kleinwagen (Verbrauch max. 5l/ 100 km) zulegen würde, müsste ich täglich insgesamt ca. 22km zurücklegen.
Neben den Spritkosten kommen ja aber noch Kfz-Steuer, Kfz-Versicherung und diverse Wartungskosten oben drauf. Lohnt es sich heute noch sich ein Auto anzuschaffen?
Kenn mich da leider nicht aus.
Ich gehe da wirklich nur vom notwendigen Zweck aus um von A nach B zu kommen. Sowas wie Status, Transport von Gegenständen und Fahrspaß sind in dem Fall irrelevant für mich. Also Autoliebhaber vielleicht kurz mal weg schauen. 😉
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.
It depends.
For me time is a valuable resource as money and by car I am more independent in my appointment perception.
So it’s a lot to do with what your everyday life looks like. If you need to be in place y x times a week for z hours and, apart from that, you rarely need spontaneous mobility, I clearly tend to bus/rail.
In other cases, with irregular working and office hours, the car is virtually indispensable in the field.
Stress factor can contain both. Delay and failure vs traffic jam and parking shortage.
Whether you move to the ÖPNV also depends on how well it is developed. Example: In Karlsruhe, the ÖPNV is so well developed that even car drivers often stop the car. Karlsruhe has one of the best and most attractive ÖPNV systems in Germany. There the tram network has been linked to the DB network (same track width) There are thus free connections between the city centre and the surrounding area. The schedules depend on customer needs.
Here is a video: (comprises 3 parts)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
So I think from fuel consumption it is definitely cheaper to drive a car, unless you have many passengers who also pay see MeinFernbus
By the way, have just booked a trip for 16€, super cache
For me, a car is worth it, because I do not have to carry so much purchases, I can also buy offers in large quantities.
Because I am not dependent on timetables, so I can organize my spare time better.
You don’t want to miss what you have.
It wouldn’t be a matter for DICH, so the bus is unbeatable.
In summer, you can also relax with the bike for 22 km or with the moped. This in turn can be operated more favourably;-)
Every year, around 900 € will be charged for the bus ticket if you need one every month.
This amount is generated in a car at least: alone by loss of value and repairs. In rare cases where you have a lower value loss, you will have to plan a correspondingly higher repair budget.
In addition, there are also fixed costs (tax, insurance) and operating costs (fuel, maintenance, wear).
If it’s only about the route from A to B and back, you’ll be far cheaper by bus – and you can easily take one or other ride by train or taxi if you want to go to C or D.
So that’s not the way.
In over 6 years my car had roughly 500€ value loss and two repairs total value below 1000€.
I come to roughly 250€ a year, and this is still expensive.
A Toyota Starlet value loss=0, fuel consumption of 5 liters in cut, repairs are as good as never necessary, tax favorable, just like insurance. Overall, it’s going to be pretty close to the same, just that you’re more flexible by car….
Then you’re lucky and drive an exceptional car.
Not really. I’m just not driving VW…
Most of them I know are driving Opel as well as no problems – at any rate the Opel from a certain time.
The people who drive Japanese have no problems with their vehicles, I know Toyotas with over half million kilometers in 20 years-not a significant repair clear, wear parts excluded.
You just have to look at what you buy, there are many cars that are very unproblematic.
If you don’t need the car for anything else, go bus. For 74 € per month you can also not entertain a small car.
Let’s go. But you have to find a solid, cheap used car. Inspections and maintenance can be carried out and not drive so much.
My car costs me about 100 euros (gasoline, insurance, taxes) but no repair costs included.
For the few more euros, I will certainly not squeeze like an oil sardine on bus and train.
On point and comma, no one can tell you this because the costs can vary drastically with different even very similar or unstressed cars and also depending on the driver/holder. The most important thing would be that someone else would allow the car on their own, because as a novice without damage-free discount, the liability can become inconsistently expensive, especially if one is not as old and possibly the lapel has not long. Possible fluctuation width roughly 500 to 2000, 3000 euros annually, before being stepped down, and just unclaimed normal cars are on the expensive side.
Consumption would be almost irrelevant for this super low annual driving performance of less than 5,000 km (abroad holiday). Between a economical 5-liter car and a “buyer” with ten liters of consumption, current prices are only around the 340 euros a year or around the 31 euros a month. Even the increased purchase costs for a economical car are not getting back in years. Diesel, LPG and other attempts to reduce costs on this path naturally go from the front to the back at the few meters, which is simply not amortised.
Maintenance and repairs are subject to certain inconvenience.
If you buy a simple cheap car you have zb:
divided by 12, this is about 105 euros a month
edit: changed to 1 times, because you don’t drive so much.
Show me an insurer who assures a starter for 200 € a car.
230€ WGV. Mazda MX-5 NA, 6000 kilometers running performance. If this is about to come, roughly estimated. Better.
Otherwise: loss of value of 100€ a year?! I don’t think so. Most cars around the 1000-2000€ are very stable.
Show me a car with 100 € value loss per year… Even in the most cheap category, the thumb rule applies “50 Euro per month to HU”, which is already 600 € value loss per year.
If such a thing then creates the TÜV, you even have a strong value 😎
Drive a Mx5. He cost me 4000 and I could sell it for 3500. I’ve owned him for six years. Makes 83 euros worth loss per year.
Your nod name seems to be a program…
In the order of 74 euros you can save the comparison book before you start.
You can’t have a car for 74€.
That’s it. I have only recently calculated what my vehicle with all it and it incl. Value loss to 1km costs: 17 cents.
22km*250 working days=5500km a year.
This corresponds to 935€ a year, i.e. roughly 77€ a month. Thus, the bus would be cheaper.
However, this depends very much on the car. There’s a car you’re moving with 10 cents easy without any problems, others need at least 50 cents on the kilometers. The 17 cents only apply to my car.
What I’d think about:
What kind of time do you get out of the car?
How many money do you have? Can you make it to buy a vehicle bar, drive it to scrap the next day and still pay the monthly card? If not, forget it.
I almost feel like you wanted to save the car to save money – that doesn’t work at your mileage. It would mainly bring comfort.
I think it would be the correct decision to stay on the bus – especially because the car just interested you zero. I would be willing to spend more for a car, have the necessary knowledge to make much yourself and a failed underset means something for me too.
If you just go and let the car rot, find the workshop, it’ll be more expensive for you than cheaper.