Auto mit viel km runter?

Hey ich habe meinen Führerschein letztes Jahr bestanden und wollte mir nun ein Auto kaufen, da ich es brauche um zur Arbeit zur kommen.

Nun möchte ich aber wirklich nicht viel ausgeben ( am besten unter 1000€). Da das für mich viel ist wollte ich mal fragen ob man mit so einem auto es schafft – ein Jahr zu fahren ohne das mir das teil auseinander fliegt (wegen sparen – neues auto) und worauf man am besten achten sollte bei diesem preis (mir ist bewusst das ich bei diesen preis nicht zu viel erwarten kann, aber vllt kennt sich ja trdz jemand aus )

Ich fahre am Tag 40 Km

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1 month ago

Can be or not. That with such a cheap and therefore probably also old car in foreseeable time what is broken is more likely than that.

1 month ago

I also buy, “until the TÜV divorces us”…

For me, up to 150000 KM may be on the tacho, the Tüv must still be valid for at least 18 months and the tyres…I prefer all-year tyres with Alpine symbol and sufficient profile.

I bought my current car as a garage vehicle with 135000 on the tacho and freshly steamed 3 years ago. Is a Fiesta built in 2004, has cost me €200.

I sent him to the workshop for thorough inspection, had 2 small macks (driven window did not go down, passenger door lock jammed) fix and gave him a new battery (Invested: 380 €). He drives reliably and has no grate problem yet.

1 month ago

I advise you to watch Japanese cars from the late 90s early 2000s. Daihatsu Cuore, Toyota Starlet or Yaris,Honda Civic, Mitsubishi Carisma.

You should pay attention to the fact that toothed belts still have, the grate is not too strong and test the car on an extended test drive.

A colleague bought a 2003 Daihatsu cuore for 800€ 2.5 years ago. He still drives him and had only wear reperatures besides the wise of the sleeper. He’s been driving 38,000km.

1 month ago

Now I really don’t want to spend much (mostly under €1000).

For this there are part carriers, rolling scrap, export crates, rust beads with residual TÜV.

I drive 40 Km a day

Then you better spend a few thousands more

1 month ago
Reply to  Denis116

It’s not a duty to have a car. If you can’t afford it’s just that.

1 month ago
Reply to  Denis116

Then you can’t afford a car. Alone insurance and fuel will blow up your financial opportunities. Apart from repairs and wear parts

1 month ago

Question is whether you can drive for a year

No one can answer that to you.

and what to look for

Everything! HU, brakes, tyres, suspension, rust, exhaust system, electrical equipment, …

1 month ago

I want to spend 1000€ for a car, I think that’s what you get.

I wish you, but if you know why the question?

1 month ago

I think you’re getting

Then good luck

1 month ago

In any case TÜV longer than your desired driving time and tyres that still hold 15,000km

Then I would look for old middle-class cars because they are designed for higher running times compared to small cars. Best of the deceased pensioner who hasn’t been driving in the last year….

1 month ago
Reply to  Denis116

The diesel costs more taxes!

It is a computational question in the overall package with insurance etc.

1 month ago

You only get ticking time bombs for that. Finance.

1 month ago
Reply to  Denis116

Maybe a smart one. They’re good. Parts are cheap. Or you lay one for 99.-. a month.