Auto mit Jahresvertrag?
Guten Abend,
kann man mit einen Jahresvertrag mit 1500€+ Bürgschaft mit einem Einkommen 1400€ Einkommen sich einen 2nd Hand Fahrzeug Leisten/kaufen mein Wunsch ist es ein Mercedes Benz 250 CLA zu finanzieren?
insgesamt: 2900€
LG Grüße
Please ask your question again more meaningfully.
With this cognitive warr, which you reveal in your question, you will probably not even find the doors of the car, let alone the pedals – and not even a financing at a reputable bank.
No, it’s not possible.
Pretty stupid money-burning. On the one hand, you’ll have it hard to find a bank that plays with you. On the one hand, many banks are not a fan of guarantees, if the second person is registered directly as the second borrower, chances rise, from which I would punch that out of my head.
1400€ are below the deposit limit. Say it’s a person at whom the bank has hardly any chance to make money. And even at 1500€ you are just above the minimum wage and will have difficulty getting a bigger loan. Quite simply because even in case of seriousness, there is hardly anything to be picked up and because you have so little money left in the credit system of most banks that you would get the required amount approved for a long period of time. And here we are at the next crunch point, no serious bank will give you a loan that runs longer than your temporary contract.
With a merit just above the minimum wage, I would bake smaller rolls. There’s more an older small car like a Opel Corsa the right one. Costs much less money even in the maintenance.
You have to be reckoned.
However, temporary contract = K.O. criterion if the duration is longer than the deadline. Income 1400 € virtually worthless because only marginally over Pfändungsgrenze (so is not suitable as a burden)
Maximum if both persons are registered as borrowers.
Since 1 July, the basic amount for the Pfädung Limit has been EUR 1402,28 and therefore the burden is quite useless from the bank’s point of view.
Only the purchaser’s income is relevant to the trader and the financing bank, not an additional income of the uncle’s swippet from the chairman of the small garden club in which your grandpa has its sworm garden. This means 1500 euros and annual contract. That’s all.
Buy a little polo, you can pay and get the CLA if there is enough money.