Auto mit beim Vater versichern?
Ich habe vor einigen Monaten mein Führerschein bekommen bzw. aktuell noch bf17 und demnächst Kartenführerschein. Nun um mit meinem Vater zu fahren bzw. selber das Auto zu fahren sollte/muss ich mich bei seiner Versicherung ebenfalls als Fahrer eintragen denn sonst müsste ich bei Unfällen selber für den Schaden haften.
Nun ist meine Frage welche Vorteile und Nachteile sich für mich und meinem Vater ergeben und welche Alternativen es gibt.
for your father there are little advantages as the insurance will definitely rise, but rather disadvantages. The advantage from your father’s point of view is maximum the experience you collect.
For you, it has the advantage that some insurance companies do not assign you to the maximum rate when you join your father. Some of the insurance companies expect accident-free driving and you pay less for your own insurance.
Who told you that bullshit?
If I drive his car but not registered as a driver and then an accident happens then the insurance can refuse to pay the damage.
1A nonsense. This monasteries is a new ammen fairy on the Internet!
The amount of the insurance premium has nothing to do with the obligation of the insurer to benefit in case of damage.
Then you can probably tell me what the truth is. I’m not going to be able to use his insurance for free as a starter.
No, the car is insured, no matter who drives it. This is the meaning of liability insurance.
What may be that your father wants to save insurance premiums by driver exclusions. This must of course be changed.
He rises in an accident and pays more now he pays more
you can buy yourself a car and insure goes from 17. then you pay yourself and dad is out