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3 years ago

Depends on the state that no one can know. Without sighting, you can’t simply guess on the basis of the kilometer level, as some did here. It’s rough.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wiegehtseuch95

The seller will not necessarily be objective, he wants to sell the car. So better take someone with a clue

3 years ago

Unseen I wouldn’t buy a car – even with 10,000 km.

3 years ago

arrives a little at the purchase price and what was done (time, Km stand) (repairs), how the maintenance was carried out and how the car was driven (saving, sporting, short/long distance)

Basically, I would say too much if due will pack 100k on it in the next 4 years

3 years ago
Reply to  LuckyJack1986

Wait, you even want to pack 200k on it…

3 years ago

When you drive, you need a new car or young people to get through the next four years without problems.

3 years ago

I’m not an expert but would say if you’d drive 50,000 every year, so in four years 200,000 and the car already has 140,000 on it would probably be a lot.