Auto macht nur Probleme, Ursache?

Habe meinen Audi A3 BJ 2010, Diesel vor 2 Monaten durch einen Privatkauf erworben. Seit dem ich das Auto habe, macht es Probleme. Habe aber einen Ankaufstest beim ÖAMTC gemacht & dort hat alles soweit gepasst.

Ich schildere kurz die Probleme:

rote Ölkanne gleich nach Kauf beim Nachhauseweg aufgeleuchtet, dann sofort wieder weg “Öldruck zu niedrig, Motor abstellen” hab dann Öl nachgefüllt

Auto frisst Kühlmittel aber keine Spuren auf dem Boden, auch kein Öl im Kühlmittel erkennbar

nach jeder Fahrt brummt Auto extrem laut nach wie wenn auto komplett überhitzt wäre, auch nach kurzen strecken ohne starken beschleunigen

auto wurde mir schon paar mal zu heiß & beschleunigt nicht mehr

auto heizt nicht wirklich, kommt zwar leicht warme luft aus gebläse, wird aber nicht warm im auto 

Bitte kann mir jemand helfen, was bei dem Auto die Ursache für die Probleme ist! Bin schon am verzweifeln!

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2 years ago

Honestly… The oil can is really a laughter! This is the first thing to control on a completely unknown car. Together with cooling water, windscreen protection…

All the other things you’re talking about here suggests a defective thermostat, which has the result that the head seal already has a blow away. The cooling water is simply blown out through the combustion chamber via the exhaust.

It’ll probably be the cooler fan. Here are 2 options: The defective thermostat as a responsible component or the fan control unit. (Should they already have)

If you can do what I do not accept in your case, it costs only about 300€ of material. I think there’s another 1 in front of a workshop.

2 years ago

I’d be the first to read out the error memory.

then refilled oil

How was the oil level?

2 years ago

And why do you buy a car and don’t you control it at the first ride?

2 years ago

apparently not. Or the tube eats more oil than fuel…

2 years ago

It would be best to put the car in a workshop. Remote diagnosis is always difficult.

Oil pressure too low can indicate a defective oil pump.

Overheating: Could be that the fan (behind the radiator) is defective or at least does not start.

Car does not really heat – usually a kauptter thermostat.

I hope I could help, but you’ll find out more precisely in a workshop.

2 years ago
Reply to  Danny59

Good approaches! But still expandable. Before you think of a defective oil pump, you should control the oil. It was too little! The cooler ventilator runs extremely rarely in the current weather. And if the thermostat does not open, and no warm water passes through the cooler…

2 years ago

In the limit region close to minimum, a strong acceleration or a strong brake maneuver is sufficient, among other things, for the pump to draw air and for the oil pressure to drop. Afterflow of the cooler fan is nothing special. If the extremely loud buzzes, this can be a damage to the engine, dirt on the fan blade (leads to unbalance) or even pieces broken off by an accident from the fan.

2 years ago

Sounds like there’s some inspection going on.

You’re probably caught in the maintenance store.

It’s best to pick up some good, free workshop so you can’t be pulled off directly.