Auto leiert springt aber nicht an?

Audi A4 B5 8D 1.8 von 1997

Hallo, ich habe derzeit ein problem mit meinem Auto, von heute auf morgen Springt er auf einmal nicht mehr an..

Benzin bekommt der Motor, Zündkerzen wurden auch schon gewechselt & Funktionieren auch alle 4 (Funken kommen) im Cockpit sieht man keine Lampe.. Zündspule und Anlasser funktionieren auch.

Der ADAC meinte das es die Zündkerzen oder die Zündspule ist funktionieren aber beide.

Gestern Abend war vermutlich ein Marder an meinem Auto aber ich konnte keine Spuren von dem fie finden kennt evtl. jemand ursache oder wo genau ich nach Marder bissen suchen soll

Ich brauche das Auto eigentlich sehr dringend wieder finde aber keine Ursache

Danke für alle Antworten

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2 years ago

Take a spray bottle with water – normal tap water. Best in a darkened area (shadow, garage or the like) and please start someone. During this, you spray a light fog over the ignition cable/distributor area and look. If, depending on the fog, it starts to crack so lightly and so bluish outside on engine block etc. over jump, your explanation…! An ignition spark is good and essential for the function of the motor. But stupidly, it does not yet say much about how much energy from the spark actually arrives at the spark plug – and ultimately also skip at the spark plug. If the distance at the electrode is too large or oiled, there are also problems. And, just to start, if it has to be greased anyway, to get an ignitable mixture at all, the ignition system needs max. Energy. So if creeping currents migrate here, it becomes extremely difficult to start successfully. Starting pilot increases the willingness to start in a general way – but do not do anything good for your engine – is an emergency solution, in the case (but then will not burn optimally in the warm state and if necessary have transition jolts during acceleration etc…), but expensive and, as stated, neither good for the engine nor eliminates the remaining problems.

2 years ago

Hey, this is stupid with your car. I can call you a few possible causes, but I’m not a mechanic and can’t give you a guarantee. You should go to a workshop.

So, the most common cause is an empty or weak battery. This can happen if you leave the light or use many electric consumers. You can try to get starter or recharge or replace the battery.

Another possibility is a defective generator (light machine). This is the part that supplies the battery with power. When it’s broken, the battery symbol is mostly lit on the dashboard. Then you have to repair or replace the lighting machine.

It could also be on the spark plugs. They are responsible for the ignition of the fuel in the engine. If the engine is defective, the engine is joking and uses more fuel. You can check the spark plugs and replace them if necessary.

If you suspect a marten bite, you should look for damage to the cables or hoses. The martens like to crack on it and can thus interrupt important connections. This can, for example, disturb the fuel supply or cause a short circuit.

These are just a few possible reasons, there are many other factors that can paralyse the engine, such as incorrect fuel, defective starters, air supply problems or the ignition lock. I hope I could help you a little bit. But as I said, I’m just a layman and not an expert on cars. You better contact a professional.

2 years ago

What does it look like with the pulp?

there is something Does the pressure fit?

2 years ago
Reply to  Justin141

You will probably not be able to do that, but the workshop

2 years ago

Then you just got lucky

2 years ago

Will be more of a cable bitten by the marcher overnight

2 years ago

The cute maidens like to crawl around the cables, should check them out.