Auto “leasing” mit Raten bezahlen?

Hi, ich wollte mir ein auto leasen. Ich ging von 400€ monatlich aus aber stellte sich doch raus dass es über 600 im Monat sind, was ich nicht ausgeben will.

Jetzt sagte mir der Händler ich kann statt dem Leasing auch das Auto in Raten zahlen ( 470€ im Monat) und das über 40 Monate hinweg.

Wäre das nicht ein Ratenkauf? Soweit ich weiß ist man beim Ratenkauf daran gebunden das Auto abzukaufen, was ich nicht vorhabe da ich es nur für ein Paar Jahre fahren will.

Versucht er mich abzuzocken oder ist sowas legitim mit Raten??

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2 years ago

This is a very expensive leasing, as I find.

Of course, you can also buy a car on rate, but I would do it with a contract

2 years ago
Reply to  eyoookemalll

If you have to pay 470 euros in the period of 40 months, the car will seem to cost 19000 euros. There is 600Euro leasing already very expensive.

I’m thinking about your question, but something is wrong, I can’t imagine it.

2 years ago

Digga, and your mom seems to have done something wrong in education. Right, I’m driving combination, but I’m not a pensioner yet and full of successful professional life. I also have a Santa Fe for the 55,000…. Not leased or financed.

Your 130k Yearcontract is a joke. I’ll do it monthly.

2 years ago

And you spend half your salary for leasing because you’re too poor to buy you something

2 years ago

Anyone who makes a 60-month leasing contract cannot count at all. Not even if he doesn’t want to keep the car anyway.

2 years ago

Then what you mean is certainly not buying advice

2 years ago

The 40 monthly contract is then a balloon financing, or a 3-way financing. In the end you have the possibility to choose. Continue to finance, pay the balance or sell it back to dealers.

At the beginning, you buy the vehicle and then you have to stick to the financing contract. When leasing you pay only for use.

2 years ago

Leases would be too expensive for you. What the dealer offers you is the purchase of a car on rates. Then, after full payment of the rates, the car belongs to you and you can sell it on.

There is no decision when everything is paid, the car is yours. That’s so simple.

2 years ago

I think you’re mistaken: a leasing contract is with the mtl. “money payment” only payment of the use of the vehicle, whereas in the financing of the car this at the end of the contract belongs to you, i.e. a rate payment of the car!

Where you only paid 470€ x 40 months = 18,800€ grossly!

What does the vehicle cost??

2 years ago

Sounds like a balon financing, running like leasing.

At the end of time, the car will be bad for you if you don’t want to buy it and you pay for every scratch that’s up.

2 years ago
Reply to  eyoookemalll

For money there is everything, you have to know if you spend hundreds of yours for a vehicle that you don’t own after that and some euros on it for eventualities.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fidreliasis

Yes exactly – if the “Ballon” bursts at the end of the contract, so that the FS can no longer pay, then he pays:-((

2 years ago


Rewinding, you were probably cheated. Information about the car brand.

Turn back, never back there.


2 years ago
Reply to  eyoookemalll

Optionally no car or purchase what you can afford was good and is always good, surely you will be smiled, but don’t go to work for your car, decide smart.
