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2 months ago


For this purpose, it is only necessary to measure the plug-in sleeve sizes on the vehicle side (3,2 to 4.8 to 6.3 are customary in LS). For most autotyes there are finished cable sets or they are supplied with installation kits. I would estimate this as Hellerman/Tyton or AMP/Tycon T plug with 4.8 and 6.3 connector/fastin-faston/2-Polig-T-Form-AMP-Faston-10-25-mm-KFZ connector set

A basic rule for KFZ is

  • you do not change/contact vehicle-side cable sets, for leasing cars, the repetition costs that can go into the 1000 end
  • you do not use cheap queues for construction market schixx. Squeegee connectors with 10€ cheap squeeze pliers produce disturbing noises such as cable cutters or luster clamps at the age (oxidation/vibration). The quick-slip connectors were sometimes designed for military for emergency/snell reperatures of military equipment in field use, which only had to last or not function years or decades for a few days.
2 months ago

Cut off plugs, press on the sleeves and insulate them with shrink hose.

However, also pay attention to the diameter of the cables.

With double cables you need a larger sleeve (not red, but blue) ….

You can also get the matching squeeze pliers.