Auto Kaufvertrag anderer Name als im Fahrzeugbrief?
Hallo Community,
wenn in einem Kaufvertrag ein Name steht, der aber nicht im Brief steht, kann der Kaufvertrag dann rechtmäßig zustande kommen?
Alle Daten vom Auto und von mir stimmen, so wie in den Papieren. Aber eingetragen in den Papieren ist eine Firma und der Verkäufer ist irgendein Privatmann. Kommt der Vertrag trotzdem rechtmäßig zustande, obwohl ihm das Auto so ja nicht gehört?
Vielen Dank!
A letter entry says nothing about the property relations.
Please read for yourself what is in each vehicle letter or certificate Part II:
The holder of the certificate of authorisation shall not be designated as the owner of the vehicle.
And before the well-known false alliance link comes:
Okay, so clear. But then every person could sell the car for me. Doesn’t that make any trouble?
If you have to decide yourself, the admission office does not interest the bean.
If the vehicle is the property of the seller, a legally valid contract will of course be concluded.
The contract is valid.
Can you tell me a little more about that? Even if the car doesn’t belong to him this way, the actual owner would have to have a power to make it legally correct.
Thank you!
Seller is a private person, in the papers is Fa. xyz.
the person is authorized to sell the vehicle at all, he needs permission from the company owner.
In the scenario there is an oral permission.
What do you mean by company? In the purchase contract is a non-resident person who has nothing to do with the company.