Auto kaufen und was danach?


ich habe vor kurzem meinen Führerschein erworben und möchte demnächst auch ein gebrauchtes Auto vom Händler kaufen. Doch ich weiß leider nicht, was danach kommt. Auto anmelden, Kennzeichen erstellen, Versicherung und TÜV? Es wäre auch schön, wenn ich ein paar Autohersteller/Modell und Versicherungen vorgeschlagen bekomme (wenig Kilometerverbrauch und günstig:-)

ich bedanke mich schonmal für jede Hilfe:-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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3 years ago

With the car papers (vehicle letter) first get for insurance and certificate that the vehicle is insured there (starts to run only from the day of admission). Then with letter + TÜV certificate (possibly still residual TÜV or TÜV new without license plate) and insurance certificate to the approval authority. There you will then be assigned a license plate (or in advance online reservirtes kennzeichen) that you will then finish with a sign making (usually next to the admission point) so that back to the admission point the plakets will be finished on the mark. Approval fees and license plates are due immediately, for car tax a SEPA mandate is necessary, insurance is debited. Further information on the homepage of your registration office may also be provided for appointments due to CORONA

3 years ago
Reply to  ART71

With the car papers (vehicle letter)

You only get the letter when you bought it and it is paid!

3 years ago

A copy or manufacturers and type key number is also sufficient to calculate the insurance offer.

3 years ago

With the question of what comes after the car purchase, I assumed that GF already purchased the car. Otherwise, of course, it is the easiest thing for a trader to take care of the insurance and to let the trader carry out the whole form of admission, who knows what he needs for authority etc.

3 years ago

Personally, I would ask people of the generation of your parents in the family and acquaintances where they are insured and how satisfied they are with their insurance and then, if necessary, compare the insurance policies that are assessed there with satisfaction with regard to costs. It is also a matter of attitude whether you want to communicate with the insurance only online and by phone, or rather have an insurance office on site as a contact person.

3 years ago

I’m telling you, you can write it down or you just copy the vehicle letter. Can also scratch them into a slate plate…….

3 years ago

The manufacturer and type key number is enough!

3 years ago

If you buy at the dealer, he only needs a power of attorney that he can register the car for you, he only needs a commitment of the insurance, everything else he makes according to your wishes!

3 years ago
Reply to  Genial510

You have to look for a cheap insurance undertaking yourself, the dealer will then make it fully registered to his farm. Just have to put yourself in.

3 years ago

In your place, I would take the insurance he offers you, you can cancel up to 30,11 yourself, look at check24, who cancel for you automatically, you only need a finger on it, you only pay proportionally the weeks up to 31, 12, 21 that does not notice price, once a year the cheapest method

3 years ago

At the moment you have to take what there is. Go past the car houses and see what’s on the farm and what you might like. You can’t make a recommendation.

If you know what kind of car you want, let the manufacturers and type keys tell you and find a cheap insurance. Compare several insurance companies.

If then everything is clear and you want the car, buy it and tell the car house they should let it for you.

To do this, you need a cover card from an insurance and go to the car house. They will then report the car to the KFZ Approval Agency and put it ready for you to pick up.

When buying a car, a current TÜV opinion prevails when it is a used person.

And GANZ IMPORTANT: Let you certify the freedom of accident if it is a used vehicle!

3 years ago

There’s already felt, since the dinosaurs, no more cover card, but only an EVB! EElectron VtheB!

3 years ago
Reply to  EddiR

Yes in electronic form – clear, you don’t have to print it anymore or anything else.

3 years ago

Where do you live?

How much do you plan to drive every day? 5 km or 50 km to work?

do you have an insurance contract from Opa/Vater with cheap sfr that you can use?

ask about asking

3 years ago
Reply to  Genial510

So just short distance and no cheap sfr

Buy smart!

3 years ago

Non-life insurance discount

you probably start at 0 or 1…. I now have two contracts with sfr’s of 30 (thus 30 years without damage)…. Then the car will drive significantly cheaper

3 years ago

Buy a car, insure, register.