Auto kaufen, leasen, finanzieren?
ich bin 26 Jahre alt, habe angefangen zu arbeiten. Mein Arbeitgeber ist 8km von meiner Wohnung entfernt und ich bin bis jetzt immer mit dem Fahrrad in die Arbeit gefahren, aber es war sehr hart im Winter.
Ich würde mir gerne ein Auto zulegen und bin total überfordert mit der Flut der Angebote und Möglichkeiten.
Kann mir jemand sagen, was er mir empfehlen würde bei meinen Kriterien:
Fahre in der Woche: 100km / Monat: 400km / Jahr: 5000km
Marke: Ist mir nicht wichtig
Ziel: Ein Auto haben so günstig wie möglich
Zur mir: Ich habe keine Ahnung von Autos und will mich damit auch nicht befassen. Kann keine Reifen wechseln, Reparaturen durchführen.
Tanken und Öl nachfüllen schaffe ich 😀
Leider gibt es bei mir im Wohnkomplex keine E-Ladestation. Auch nicht bei meinem Arbeitgeber.
Was würdet ihr mir empfehlen?
Altes gebrauchtes Auto kaufen? Leasen? Finanzieren?
Welche Automarke würdet ihr mir empfehlen?
Danke für die Hilfe!
Actually, everything speaks against a separate car, it doesn’t matter how expensive. Whether you buy a car, finiant, or least is ultimately a financial business, which has little to do with the car itself.
I understand that there is no charging possibility with you and therefore you want a burner, that is also a good reason, but every burner will break you with such short distances.
Actually, I would be inclined to recommend something like a Renault Twizy. It is electric and does not mistake the short distances. However, he has no heating. But a disc and a roof.
I myself have been able to gather about 10,000 km of Twizy experience and also know 2 people who had him. One as an everyday vehicle with a lot of short distance, even in winter. And one as a fun vehicle only in summer. For a summer, I am 35 km (simple distance) with it.
From this experience I have to say that such a vehicle is better in bad weather than a bicycle. Also in winter the missing heating on short distances does not fall into weight on long distances I cannot recommend it.
For the Twizy you need a socket at the employer or at your car park at the house. It loads with a normal Schuko plug.
Take a little used, possibly an annual car. With your driving profile, like LenciMay, I would tend to vehicles in the class a Toyota Aygo or VW UP.
Buy a used one. Finance only if absolutely necessary and lease as private individuals is rarely worthwhile.
What kind of budget do you have? A gasoline is worth at 100km per week. Check out the following vehicles: Mazda 2, Opel Adam/Corsa, Hyundai i10/i20, Toyota Yaris. Evtl is something for you.
Classifieds help. Category Cars, Filters up to 1500 Eur, TÜV, undamaged cars and then look in the circle search what appeals to you. The first car is easy, the older one with TÜV, which you can drive down.
At only 8km, the engine never reaches operating temperature. For that, I would only take any thing that really doesn’t matter for as little money as possible. Age Fiesta, Corsa, Peugeot 106, anything asian
Look what’s going to be in your area up to 120,000km and 1000€.
For KM performance buy a Japanese to max. 2,000 euros. The size and consumption are no longer important.
Used cars are just making trouble. Of course, something can be wrong with a new one, but if you can afford leasing or renting, I would prefer that
Do you want to use the car only in winter for work or in general? I don’t think Carsharing would be more for you if you just need it temporarily. Otherwise leasing, then you have a new car and the workshop takes care of everything
buy something small sturdy like toyota yaris as benziner.der is economical and better like an e-car if you can’t load it
Because you’re a little driving, I’d get a car that’s little spent and not expensive in insurance and tax. I can recommend a Citroen C1. Are small, do not consume much and are also quite favorable in the cost of keeping. Taxes per year are only €20. Also gives the same car from Peugeot or Toyota if you prefer this brand, but I found the car at that time super.