Auto kaufen aus Litauen?
Hallo Freunde,
Ich habe ein tolles Auto entdeckt leider habe ich später erfahren das sich das Auto in Litauen befindet und ich wohne in Deutschland die Lieferung wird komplett von dem Verkäufer übernommen. Würde ich hier in Deutschland Probleme habe ? Wegen der Anmeldung tüv und alles hat jemand Erfahrung damit?
Vielen Dank
You have to go through the entire import procedure by car.
The registration is not the problem. However, you should be careful not to be the victim of fraud.
In principle, registration with us would not be a problem. Only if I were generally skeptical to buy a car from a country in which very many of the stolen cars are moved.
From wrong papers, to silent damage to which the car does not exist, everything can be there
I’d leave my fingers. That the whole thing is some sort of fraud, this probability is much greater than that somehow a bargain vehicle from Lithuania is actually and honestly sold to Germany. Whether it’s just a repaired accident car, which isn’t communicated to you, or whether it’s just taking your money off with some trick, it’s almost no matter. But the likelihood that you’ll fall on your nose is more than high.
That sounds like one of the usual stitches of pre-shot scams.
Sounds very like fraud.
This is very likely an accident car, which is then reconciled in Lithuania.
You accidentally saw the episode of the Steel Buddies, where they bought a Jeep Willys unattended by phone and then the complete vehicle was made of plastic, only the engine was original.
I had to think about it when I read your question.
The only problem will be that you don’t have a car.