Auto kaufen?

Ich mache eine Ausbildung an meinem Wohnort. Der Betrieb ist nur 3 km von meinem Haus entfern die Schule 4 km. Ich fahre mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Denkt ihr es macht Sinn heute ein Auto zu holen, um die Luxus zu haben oder soll ich lieber warten und nach Ausbildung ein besseres Modell kaufen?

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5 months ago


it doesn’t make any sense at all. You should save your money until you really need a car and then you can get a reasonable one.

For 3 and 4km, a car is really exaggerated. It’s really not good for the car if it drives long-term short distance. In addition, you have to pay expensive insurance, taxes, tank (will not go into the money at 4km now, but it belongs to it) reperatures etc.

Life is expensive enough. Do not voluntarily impose such additional burden on for 3 and 4 km.

5 months ago

For 3km I would find it quite pointless, and so short distances many cars do not do well.

5 months ago

Better a (e-)bike. To the car, your health, the environment and your wallet.

5 months ago

This is not worthwhile for the short distances. This is not good for the car and should compensate for short distances with regular long distances.

If you are physically fit, a bike is the better choice

5 months ago

For these short distances it is not necessary for the ÖPNV, let alone a car – there is enough a bike.

5 months ago

If then an electric small car. Even if its range has decreased over the years, it is still enough for the track.

But a bike, possibly with a motor, is just as good for the track, and if you have to look for a parking space for the car you are even faster by bike.

5 months ago

As long as you don’t use it to get to work or school, why not. If you want to take it, please have an e-car, otherwise you just scrape your car. So small distances and the long-lasting gossip hurts the engine very much so that you can buy the most expensive car in a very short time

5 months ago

A car is definitely not worth the ride.

Above all, the permanent short circuit damages.

5 months ago

For short distances, maybe this car is something for you. Probably the most biligent in the entertainment and acquisition costs. Kabinenroller-eco-engel-3000.html

5 months ago

If you’re on luxury, that makes sense.

5 months ago

For 3 km, I wouldn’t buy a car if you could reach the company so well