Auto hat Strom, aber geht nicht an?


ich fahre einen 2014er w204 c180

leider ging er vorhin nichtmehr an.

Technisch geht innen alles… also Radio etc.

Strom ist also da

Batterie trotzdem eine Stunde geladen-geht nicht an

mit einer anderen Batterie überbrückt-geht nicht an.

wenn man die Zündung dreht hört man nur zwei leichte klick Töne mit ca 2 Sekunden Abstand

hatte jemand mal ein ähnliches Problem?

was kann ich tun?

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8 months ago

What is it? The starter or the electrics in the interior?

If the starter only clicks, it gets too little power, or it’s broken. Often only the mechanism in the magnetic switch is no longer common, or the “carbon brushes” of the motor are worn.

Sometimes, in old cars, one of the mass connection from the starter to the car body is also corroded. That is, the current cannot “flow off” from the starter.

What happens when you act on the starter? Do the other consumers (light, radio) then stay on, or do they go out? This would be a sign for a weak or defective battery, the starter attracts a lot of electricity.
In the case of a defective battery, it can also be that the too much current is pulled away from a bridged and the car still does not start. Loading doesn’t bring anything.

Also experienced: battery terminals corrode/no good contact to the battery. Radio/internal lighting still went, but no occasion was possible. Then he would have to start the bridge.

Maybe check backups. The “metal strips” for the starter are often very strong, which are seated on the battery in a separate box.

8 months ago

Does the car have a manual transmission? You know, I’m tapping on starters. Turn on ignition, step the clutch and hold it down, turn the second gear in and let the car be pushed from helpers to 20 km/h. Then release the clutch quickly and the car should start. If he jumps on, it’s probably the starter. Don’t eat the world.

8 months ago

Beat the starter with a small hammer. The engine should start.

8 months ago

When clicking, it is either the magnet switch of the starter or a relay. I’m tapping relays.

8 months ago

Fuel pump relays possibly, or fuel pump in the tank defective.

8 months ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

Then the starter would have to run, or am I fooling myself?