Auto gekauft Verkäufer will jetzt mehr Geld haben?

Ich habe für meine Frau ein Auto gekauft ( Ford Fiesta ) der Verkäufer sagte das die Kontrollleuchte an ist und er keine Leistung hat. Ich begutachtete das Auto und habe den Fehler gesehen .. habe die Haube zu gemacht und die 800 Euro bezahlt mit Vertrag und alles gesehen wie gekauft ohne Garantie ! 1 Woche vergingen Ich holte Nummernschilder und holte es ab .. ich öffnete die Haube steckte den Stecker vom LMM wieder rein und brachte die Nummernschilder an. Und startete und der Fehler war weg .. ich wünschte der Frau vom Verkäufer noch ein schönen Tag .. doch die Dame wollte mich nicht losfahren lassen .. weil sie der Meinung ist das dass Auto ohne die Lampe im Cockpit nicht defekt ist es 1200 Euro kostet .. ich bin einfach losgefahren .. jetzt ruft mich 2 Tage später Ehemann und sagt . Das Auto war nicht defekt weil seine Frau es ohne seinen wissen schon repariert haben soll. Auf meine Frage – Bei der Begutachtung gemeinsam war das Auto defekt und Vertrag wurde unterschrieben .. jetzt ist es meins .. Antwort, wenn sie noch mal 400 Euro raufpacken gehört es Ihnen ansonsten wird der Vertrag laut seinen Anwalt für ungültig erklärt und das Auto geht angeblich wieder zurück.. – ich habe einfach aufgelegt .. eben bekam ich eine SMS das der Anwalt ein Schreiben aufgesetzt hat wegen Betrug und ich mir jetzt Gedanken machen wie ich demnächst mit der öffentlichen fahren soll! Muss ich was befürchten ?

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4 years ago

do not put pressure on you, what is in the contract the judge will judge in your favor, should it come to what is very unlikely.

You have bought the car as described (Defekt) and seen, at the time of handover it was DEIN car (because already paid) and of course your good right was to make the car ready (before the ride should always check his car, exactly that you did), you could also have let it pick up from the car maker, it was and is DEIN car, can do what you want with it.

4 years ago

Hello Meferro,

That sounds like you’re completely right.

Significant is that the lawyer (?) writes to you that you can drive by public transport soon. No serious lawyer works with such threats.

Just don’t react, I suggest.

4 years ago

Purchased as seen = sold as seen. You don’t have to worry about it. He set the price himself and offered you that way. You have accepted = binding contract.
That’s what every lawyer would say. Otherwise, I don’t think there’s any lawyer on this. If that were the case, the dealer wouldn’t talk to you by SMS, but let his lawyer do it. Those who thrive like this, just bubble, hoping he’ll intimidate you. Just write that you gave it to your lawyer and that you will only communicate about the lawyers. Then there’s a quick rest.

PS: a lawyer only regulates civil matters, the police are responsible for fraud. Another hint that the seller is just spinning around here

4 years ago

They’re too stupid for you to wait until tomorrow! Instead, this gimple claims that he would have put his lawyer on you this Sunday! God is embarrassing! 🤦 ♀️😂

4 years ago

What’s in the purchase agreement regarding the defect?

What does ‘without warranty’ mean? You can’t exclude them, you can’t give them.

4 years ago
Reply to  Meferro

Defect has been retained

Then you got exactly what you agreed in the purchase agreement.

The fact that you repaired the car after the purchase, and with what effort, does not interest the seller. At that time it wasn’t his car anymore.

I would ignore the news of the seller and a lawyer, if there were any. What they write is without concern.

You only have to respond to a court order.

4 years ago

Even then there is a contract of purchase via a defective car. If the woman thinks to have repaired the car without your consent (who does that?), she has acted autonomously. You don’t have to pay.

4 years ago

But the seller claims that his own wife (which apparently had forgotten this at the time of handover) has repaired the car by hand and without his knowledge before hand but after payment. ROFL….

4 years ago

Nowadays it is always threatened with fraud, a proper disease. Here the paragraph:

Relax, there was a handover and ready. And if the plaintiff has to teach evidence for a fraud. This is necessarily the intention to proceed with fraud.

Where are you going?

4 years ago
Reply to  SirKermit

What fraud should be present at all?

4 years ago

Very dubious seller. He’s never gonna turn on a lawyer, he’s bubbling. Ignore. Evtl himself threatened with an ad for fraud.

4 years ago

Then wait until the letter is in your mailbox. There’s no going to come. Purchased as seen, you have the car and the papers, paid and is good.

4 years ago

simply ignore — “because of fraud” sounds extremely unbelievable, as you did not have an active part in the description.