Auto für Pferdeanhänger?
Ich suche ein Auto mit dem ich problemlos einen Pferdeanhänger mit Pferd ziehen kann. Es sollte ein Kombi sein und nicht mehr als 15000€ kosten. Hat jemand einen Vorschlag was man sich da kaufen sollte.
Ich suche ein Auto mit dem ich problemlos einen Pferdeanhänger mit Pferd ziehen kann. Es sollte ein Kombi sein und nicht mehr als 15000€ kosten. Hat jemand einen Vorschlag was man sich da kaufen sollte.
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Hallo Hatte vor Kurzem einen Unfall nicht selbst Schuld.. habe brief von dem gutachter erhalten ich kenne mich da nicht aus und die versicherung der gegenseite möchte mein Auto verkaufen was würde mir da übrig bleiben siehe alle bilder
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Horse hanger with a horse? I would still look for a load of 2,000 kg. With two horses anyway. What is allowed to pull is also more gentle for the horse and more wear-free for the overall system when you have to go to the mountain. In addition, the weight ratios fit better for more safety when driving. You have to take big side wind or the like.
These bulk loads also have combinations from golf size when they have Allrad. But you have to look a bit, because the identical Skoda always have a little less than the VW.
I myself drive a Golf Allrad, who doesn’t need as much fuel as all these SUVs without a hanger, I can drive with 5.5 to 6 l/100 km. Without the all-wheel of the predecessors, it took 4.5 to 5.5 l/100 km, but only 1,800 kg. It can be tight. However, as we are better off with Allrad throughout the winter, I decided consciously and gladly per Allrad.
If you set a limit of €15,000, I would look for a combination of about 2 years of age and up to 80,000 km. They get at the price, especially if you don’t have terrible time. Larger combinations such as the Mercedes E-Class or the VW Passat or Superb of Skoda are usually allowed to pull enough without all-wheels, but at this age they already cost significantly more than the “golf size” which also presses the prices via the number of available used vehicles, i.e. comparable BMW 3 (has very little trunk for a combination), C-Class, Octavia, …
How about a used Mercedes E class as a combination? There’s also 4WD if you have to go to the meadow, there’s a big trunk.
Not the current series, but the predecessor (S212) is in any case to get with usable mileage levels and care conditions for the course you mentioned.
What do you think are useful kilometres?
Of course, this is also a bit dependent on how many kilometers you will drive with the car yourself a year and how quickly the mileage rises.
In itself, I would say 125,000 km, but with good care there are also more kilometres of good work. If you say, of course, you drive 25-30.000 km a year and then buy a car with 150,000 km, if you care about it, you will come for my person at some point also in regions of the mileage that I find no longer so beautiful. Here in the forum you also meet members who feel their cars only at 200-250.000 km… Everything is always a matter of care and maintenance. Hold on the car.
But you can also find clearly under 100,000 km of vehicles, if you say it doesn’t have to be an all-wheel…
Ciao :-
I would make you a used Hyundai Santa Fe 2.2 CRDi 4WD (Allrad) or the Kia Sorento 2.4 GDI.
Both have around the 200 hp and for 15000.- you get something nice (see
PS: I speak from experience, we have the Santa Fe and carry 2 horses each with 600 kg. Allrad is great in winter. Both have a trailer load of 2500 kg
Could you format the text a little bigger and thicker, you can’t read.
I’m sorry, but I didn’t get bigger, I’m going to be bothered and in the future it’s still understating.
That’s right, you got it;-)
Maybe a Skoda Octavia.
But there are many cars that come to ask.
However, it has significantly less tensile load than the comparable golf and is only newly cheaper.
No the maximum trailer load is equal at both
Max. Attachment load braked – 12% 1600 kg
Max. Load braked – 8% 1800 kg
Depends on the trailer. At least 20% more the towing vehicle should be allowed to pull. Otherwise it’s not fun.
A Duster (from Daccia), I think.
A permissible trailer load of 1500kg ….
That’s it. All right, it would be enough for my horse. Then a used SUV. A friend of mine bought a 10-year-old Toyota SUV for rel. small money, which loosens his two tinkers. But he was lucky, because that Toyota was a pensioner who had only driven 40,000 in 10 years. He turned the car on gas. Trailer coupling. Ready.
According to experience, you should have a towing vehicle with a minimum of 2 tons of trailer load even more … Once a Chevrolet Captiva (1st version) had approved with 2 tons of trailer load which was already on the border of the amutable…. the successor model was then only written out for 1.7 tons.
The best I ever had as a towing vehicle was a Landrover Discovery4
If you want a combination look at the somewhat older Mercedes around after all, most Roma and Sinti Mercedes drive in front of their caravans and they need to know what is suitable as a towing vehicle…
…a used, strong SUV with a lot of PS (from 150 hp+)the more the