Auto für 3 Monate?
Möchte ein Mittel- bis Oberklasse Auto nur mal 3 Monate fahren (aber ohne km Begrenzung etc). Hatte da an einen BMW 5er/3er oder Audi A6 gedacht. Autovermietung lohnt sich da ja eher nicht. Gibt es Möglichkeiten, diese Autos für diese Zeitspanne zu bekommen?
You’d better get away if you buy one and sell one again after 3 months.
N 3 is not an upper class car but such cars were rented massively. There is no limit in theory, but if you pay the overcrowded just a little bit.
There’s short-term leasing.
Hold it. Think about 1000 a month.
Buy and sell after 3 months
Everything else becomes unnecessary expensive
You can rent something like that, you don’t have km limitation. You have a certain amount, you pay for it per km.
Rent it as much as a rental car, just keep it expensive.