Auto für 3-4 Monate?
Was für Möglichkeiten gibt es, ein Auto relativ günstig für einen Zeitraum von 3-4 Monaten zu leihen / leasen etc.? Aufgrund eines Jobs bräuchte ich für einen relativen kurzen Zeitraum ein Auto, weiß aber nicht ganz genau was die beste Möglichkeit ist.
Look for a car abo, which are usually longer than rents and shorter than leasing.
The cheapest way would actually be to buy a very cheap car with something TÜV
I would buy a very cheap vehicle at your place and sell it again after the few months. The loss is limited.
Best old corsa/golf for max. 800€ with rest buy and drive
A car around 800€ will not drive anymore… Unless you mean a Bobbycar.
Just found at #eBay classified ads. What do you think?
There is a great risk that some money will be saved for repairs.
This is sold as a “bastler car”, as described. Since I personally have no talent in it, I would leave the paws away.
Whoever sells a car at the price knows it’s got a little bigger.
And even small things can often cost a lot.