Auto Finanzierung/Traum verwirklichen?
Hey, und zwar bräuchte ich mal einen Ratschlag, momentan besitze ich zwar ein Auto, muss dieses aber im November abgeben da Leasing. Nun wollte ich mir auf den Sommer einen kleinen Traum erfüllen und ein BMW finanzieren. Nun die Frage lohnt sich das? Oder sollte ich doch nochmal ein Jahr warten und solange das Geld zusammen sparen? Ich persönlich denke halt das mir mit dem neuen Auto eventuell das Leben einfacher fällt bzw das arbeiten weil ich dann einen Grund habe eher aufzustehen als momentan.
No, it Remarkable of course not, but what else to write on the basis of the marginal statement?
If you care, stop.
Such “if ⇾ then” stories do not work. After at least 4 weeks, the car is usual.
Well, one of my unreasonable choices was to buy me my current car, even though I had already got something good for about $10,000. Like a year ago, I still enjoy the car and like to ride with it.
You can’t put everyone on the same level.
thanks for your question 👍.
I can only tell you that some things should not be rational, but rather emotional. There are things that are inexorable, but they are horny. It’s a good thing to do with it.
You could pay a deposit and pay the rest in rates, for example. If it fits from the money: Go ahead. Use the chances you get. I often forgot and regret it every time. Then in the swimming pool the slide was closed at the other time, in the supermarket the product was even more expensive than before or I dispensed with the wine, although it would have been perfectly matched to the redfish fillet. Therefore: Use all the chances you get to be happy. Go ahead and remember:
Not always can you give life more days. But you can give more life to the days.
Happy and fun with your new car 👍👍,
If you can afford it financially, you should fulfill your dream.