Auto finanziert und Hartz 4?
Habe als ich noch gearbeitet habe, ein auto finanziert, möchte nun Hartz 4, da das auto noch abbezahlt wird gehört es ja nicht mir, also muss ich es auch nicht angeben?
Es handelt sich um einen Mercedes E Klasse AMG aus 2018
ich habe damals 40.000 anbezahlt, daher werde ich es auch nicht zurück geben da die rate sehr klein ist
A car is considered to be a property which should then also be specified when submitting a request, as it is also asked.
I don’t understand this homework, IHR wants to have money from the state, so who has nothing to hide can openly and honestly indicate everything.
assets of the bank
Still wrong…
So what? Again, you want money from the state – you have to go straight and reveal what you have because it can be that you have reserves of which you can first live without having to apply for hard 4
Of course you don’t have to give it. Just how do you want to continue using the rates?
have paid a lot, guess is very small
Hartz IV is also not very high. And if you can use advice, you don’t need state support
But the vehicle must be declared self-sufficient.
Yeah, because the “Fachanwalt” obviously has no idea…
So you want to tell me a page of a laity is better than a specialist? 😀
If you mean…
Your lawyer should go on training.
yes you lie wrong, has settled, attorney has given me advice
Wrong… you’re standing in the papers…
no, it is financed, and the bank is own
The car is bought, so it’s yours. That’s why you have to specify it.
are covered by hard 4 is clear
It won’t work, so in my cases. The court even sold the 20-year-old Astra.
Jou, this is gone. As a Harzt4ler, you’re just an old box, not a Mercedes from 2018.
You must show all account statements from the last, I mean, 6 months….but not sure.
I’ve paid 40,000, do you think I’ll give it back?
Well, then you have to live 3 years without Hartz 4, so easy is the 🤷🏻 ♀️
At Hart 4, you can’t keep a box like this. Then you’ll be told to sell the car.
But only if you don’t eat and go camping. **
The AMG Story comes to me well known, selling becomes difficult- who wants such a box..
Who last “lolt” … 🙂
Of a set of 432 euros?
every month, on time, of course
That’ll be a problem anyway. What do you think you can pay the rates from your support?
does not belong to me, but the bank
As long as you haven’t paid off, you’re not an owner. So you can’t be kind of concerned about it. No one can prescribe what you do with your services.
That’s not quite right. The ALG 2 serves to ensure a living.
Right. Someone who is in a position to deny his living will not receive any benefits in theory. Therefore, the applications are examined accordingly.
And if an application has been accepted, the corresponding benefits are obtained. However, whether someone then spends it for food, or in the pub on the scalp or whatever, is not at the discretion of the job center.
Whether or not this is morally acceptable is completely irrelevant.
Read and understand…
“Whoever finances a car and accordingly accepts a loan for the purchase is the owner of the vehicle after the conclusion of the purchase contract.”
He gives a great amount to have paid. It doesn’t sound like a loan he bought the car. This seems to be a leased vehicle. The other comments from him also suggest. And there the leasing beacon remains both legal and economic owners until the vehicle is fully paid off.
He’s talking about financing, not leasing.
Well, they’re gonna ask what the money goes off the account for. And Hartz IV might not even be enough for insurance…
but the money is not a problem
Then you don’t need Hartz IV.
That’s not what the money goes for.
He must present his account statements at the request……they see what he pays for.
Stand on the bank extracts.
That’s right, but what I’m using the money is none of them.
If money isn’t a problem, you don’t need Hartz IV. It’s so easy.
but I would not have to apply 😀
Putzig and the monthly credit rate of “80Euro” + Vollkasko + Repair / Inspection + KFZ-Control …. all no topic …. and to drive? – then pour power water into the tank …. everything goes….
otherwise, the JC has to make a significant extra requirement.
Well, I guess you’re going to break up, so you can live in SGB II without performance.
The bubble doesn’t even know how a car financing is going. Anyone who pays 4o.oo for a box loses value every day and who no one wants can still be businessable.This would earn the price “does go”.
AMG reads better than bicycle..
Oh, yeah, it’s holidays…
The vehicle must of course be specified and also that it has not yet been fully paid off.
To what extent the job center then ask for a recovery or I can’t say that I can refuse the request.