Auto fahren trotz positiven Drogentest?

Hallo zusammen, ich wollte mal fragen was passieren würde wenn ich nach dem ich Monate geraucht habe jetzt aufhöre und nach 1-2 Wochen Auto fahren, der Drogentest wird ja positiv sein aber man könnte ja bei einem Bluttest sehen das es Wochen her ist.
trozdem Straftat ?

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2 years ago

No, that’s not a crime, but the evidence that you’ve consumed cannabis (even if you’re not currently under the use of cannabis). It is enough for the driver’s driver’s license point to say “Two of the driving suitability” if you have a positive control of what is known as “Two of the driving suitability”. Mining products have been tested. Then at least the submission of a medical report is due at its own expense.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maurice1308

No one can predict if you are being tested. The probability is lower if you drive inconspicuously.

2 years ago
